- The painting doesn't look like her. The face is too elongated. 這幅畫不像她。她的臉被畫得太長了。
- A slender, elongated, threadlike object or structure. 纖維一種細長的線狀物體或組織
- The pancreas is an elongated, whitish gland. 胰臟是一個細長形的白色腺體。
- Her body slimmed and elongated from dancing. 她參加跳舞后,身材變得纖細苗條了。
- Their faces were elongated and oval. 他們的臉容拉長,並且是橢圓形。
- It will deform into an elongated blob. 它會變形而成為一個拉長了的滴狀體。
- The workpiece is already on the lathe. 工件已經上了車床。
- The old man's gaunt and elongated frame. 老人憔悴而瘦削的輪廓。
- A piece of rubber can be elongated by streching. 一塊橡皮可以拉長。
- Modigliani's women have strangely elongated faces. 莫迪里阿尼畫中的婦女都長著奇長無比的臉。
- Rift zones are elongated troughs bounded by faults. 斷裂帶是以斷層為邊界的狹長凹槽。
- Which is bad for their elongated backs. 那樣對他們過長的身軀很有害。
- Tools Cost on Per Workpiece Is Lower. 刀具綜合成本低。
- Workpiece changes are done within 2 seconds. 工件更換在2秒鐘內即可完成。
- Taiwan Island has the shape of an elongated oval. 台灣島的形狀是一個拉長的橢圓形。
- This workpiece is not more elastic than that one. 這兩個工件都沒有彈性。
- Elongated solar array wings bracket the craft. 狹長的太陽能陣列機翼包圍機體。
- A piece of rubber can is elongated by streching. 一塊橡皮可以拉長。
- An elongated hill or ridge of glacial drift. 鼓丘長形小山或冰磧丘
- Form pyriform to oblong or elongated. 梨中;以矩形或加長.