- "E"是"electronic"這個詞的第一個字母,所以E-mail是一種縮略形式。"E" is the first letter in the word "electronic", so its called E-mail for short.
- 「E」是「electronic」這個詞的第一個字母,所以E-mail是一種縮略形式。"E" is the first letter in the word"electronic",so its called E-mail for short.
- 「E-mail」(「電子郵件」的縮寫)是一種快速而方便的通訊方式。E-mail (short for electronic mail) is a fast and convenient way to communicate with others.
- 使用SQL Mail擴展存儲過程,消息可通過觸發器或存儲過程發送。Using SQL Mail extended stored procedures, messages can be sent from either a trigger or a stored procedure.
- 維生素Evitamin(e) E
- 您不能直接登錄不支持POP或IMAP訪問的任何服務,也不能使用Mail取回電子郵件。You can't log in directly to any service that does not support POP or IMAP access and retrieve messages using Mail.
- Server Mail Rule對話框現在包含BlackList選項,該選項允許選擇要執行的黑名單The Server Mail Rule dialog box now includes a BlackList option to allow you to select the blacklist you want to enforce
- 可以使用外圍應用配置器工具或通過從SQL Mail節點啟動「屬性」對話來啟用SQL Mail。SQL Mail can be enabled by using the Surface Area Configuration tool or by launching the Properties dialog from the SQL Mail node.
- System.Net.Mail--用於將電子郵件發送到簡單郵件傳輸協議(SMTP)伺服器進行傳送的類。System.Net.Mail - classes used to send electronic mail to a Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) server for delivery.
- E-mailE-mail
- 請看E-mailPlease read the E-mail.
- E-mail營銷E-mail marketing
- 移動E-mailmobile E-mail
- E-mail環境E-mail environment
- E-mail病毒E-mail virus
- E-mail人生A Life with E-mail
- 記得發E-mailRemember to send the E-mail.
- E-mail營銷研究Study on E-mail Marketing
- E-mail退修稿件manuscript returned with E-mail for revision
- E-mail客戶服務E-mail client service