- Mr. Richie has an electronic alarm system in his house. 理奇先生家裡有一套電子警報系統。
- The paper introduces electronic alarm system and its layers used for residential district currently. The emphasises are put on applicable site and features. 介紹電子防盜系統及目前住宅小區內防盜系統的幾個層次,著重對它們各自的適用場合、使用特點、應用情況作了技術分析。
- To minimize the risk of burglary, install a good alarm system. 安裝可靠的報警設備以減低被盜的風險。
- We installed an alarm system to forestall break-in. 我們安裝了一套警報系統來預防小偷的闖入。
- The noise alarm system when stopping the power. 動力中斷時的聲響報警系統。
- System Temperture Alarm system temperture is. 警告窗口。
- The latest model features alloy wheels and an electronic alarm. 最新款式的特色是合金車輪和電子報警器。
- Public Address and General Alarm System. 廣播和總報警系統。
- The water ingress alarm system for cargo hold. 船舶貨艙進水報警裝置。
- Possess of unique butyl quantity alarm system. 特有膠量報警系統。
- Fire detection and alarm system annunciator unit. 火災探測和警報系統通知器單位。
- Alarm system in Monrovia School District. 保安系統,在蒙羅維亞學區。
- We installed an alarm system to forestall break-ins. 我們安裝了一套警報系統來預防小偷的闖入
- Please test the automatic fire detection and alarm system. 請對火災自動報警系統進行測試。
- To minimize the risk of burglary,install a good alarm system. 安裝可靠的報警設備以減低被盜的風險。
- Based on CAN bus, the reciprocal type fire alarm system. 基於CAN匯流排的對等式火災報警系統。
- We installed an alarm system to forestall break - ins. 我們安裝了一套警報系統來預防小偷的闖入。
- Minimize the risk of burglary, install a good alarm system. 安裝可靠的報警設備以減低被盜的風險。
- Export agents and part-time salesperson for Level Alarm System! 水平報警系統尋求國內外代理和兼職銷售!
- Automatic Fire Alarm System Based On Smoke Detection. 基於煙霧檢測火災自動報警系統。