- The resultant human form now ran on electromagnetic energy. 合成的人類形體現在運作著電磁能量。
- Each interaction produces an energy loss and deflection. 每次相互作用都引起粒子能量損失和方向偏轉。
- Imported thermostable fabrics to minimize thermal energy loss. 進口耐高溫織維隔熱布大大減少熱能損耗。
- By lagging the hot water tank and pipes you can reduce energy loss. 通過給熱水箱和管道包上保溫材料,可以減少能量損失。
- As we are created by electromagnetic energy - and react to EM energy stimuli around us - so does the pineal gland. 當我們被電磁能創造時-而且跟我們周圍無處不在EM能源激勵起反應-松果體也是如此。
- A device which transmits an extremely narrow and coherent beam of electromagnetic energy in the visible light spectrum. 一種能夠發射可見光譜電磁能的極細的相干光束的裝置。
- The process of reflection does not in itself involve any energy loss. 反射過程本身不存在任何能量損耗。
- The brain is an electrochemical organ - using electromagnetic energy to function. 大腦是一電氣化學器官-使用電磁能運行。
- These teachings seemed to center on electromagnetic energies. 這些教導像是對著電磁能中心。
- The energy losses are due to turbulence. 能量損失起因於紊流。
- It is interesting to inquire into the exact mechanism of this energy loss. 確切地查明這一能量損失的作用過程還是有意義的。
- So as you see all things are connected by the flow of the electromagnetic energy fields that create our reality! 如同你理解的萬物都被創造我們實相的電磁能場能流連接在一塊,都是如此!
- At the same time broaden the spectrum as result of energy loss fluctuations. 與此同時,電子譜由於能量損失的漲落而展寬。
- Athermal Effect Any effect of electromagnetic energy absorption not associated with a measurable rise in temperature. 非熱效應與可測量的溫度升高無關的所有電磁能吸收效應。
- Near the location of the hammer blow, this energy loss is negligible. 在靠近榔頭的撞擊點,此處能量的損失是可以忽略的;
- This area has a high degree of electromagnetic energy and is often thought of as a portal - vortex - or wormhole to somewhere off planet Earth. 這個區域電磁能巨大,時常被想到作為一個入口-旋渦-或離開行星地球到達某地的蟲洞。
- Disease and or syndromes will occur unless action is taken to stop the electromagnetic energy from impacting health. 疾病和任何癥狀將出現,除非採取行動以阻止影響身體健康的電磁能。
- Look between your hands to see the electromagnetic energies, your aura. 去看你的手間,去理解電磁能量、你的光環。
- The energy loss, combined with angular-momentum redistribution, causes a dense ring system to flatten. 由於能量散失再加上角動量重新分佈,稠密的行星環系統就變得更為扁平。
- Electromagnetic energy units are the forms that basic experience takes when directed by the inner self. These then form physical matter and objects. 電磁能量單位是基本經驗在內我指導下所用的形式。這些就形成物質和物體。