- Rust Remover and cold-drawn steel used manual derusting, this is more economical, we can ensure that quality derusting. 鋼筋除銹採用冷拉和手工除銹;這樣較為省力;可以確保除銹質量.
- Rust Remover and cold-drawn steel used manual derusting, this is more economical, we can ensure that quality derusting. 鋼筋除銹採用冷拉和手工除銹,這樣較為省力,可以確保除銹質量.
- Deep clean for granite: Lay clean white cloth or cotton on the stain and pour rust remover for penetrating for a few minutes. 花崗岩深層去銹去污:用清潔的白布或棉鋪在屋子上,淋上滲透數分鐘。
- Russ removes rust from wristwatches. He is Russ, the wristwatch rust remover. 拉斯清洗手錶的銹。他是拉斯,手錶上銹的清洗者。
- Jontec Granite Rust Remover is a specially formulated acidic spotter to remove iron oxide on granite surfaces. 是一種專用於去除花崗岩表面鐵氧化物的酸性清潔劑。
- The conduct of the rust removal,phosphating and passivating is on one step. 除銹、磷化、鈍化一次完成。
- A newly developed high efficient degreasing and rust removing solution for pre blackening treatment of high strength bolt is presented. 根據高強度螺栓發藍工藝的獨特性,研製適用工藝要求的常溫除油除銹液,在生產中應用良好。
- Aurand is the manufacturer of fine reliable tools, for surface preparation, scale and rust removal. Aurand生產的精緻工具主要用於表面處理及去除灰垢和鐵鏽。
- By the rust removal, phosphating and passivating basic principles for steel,this treatment liquids are molybdenate as the main promotor. 據鋼鐵除銹、磷化的基本原理分析,經實驗確定了以鉬酸鹽為主要促進劑的除銹、磷比、鈍化液。
- This kind of machine is fit for the regular check rust removal and for bottles of oxygen,carbon dioxide,azotes and hydric. 本機適用於氧氣瓶、二氧化碳、氮氣及氫氣瓶等,在使用后定期檢驗外部除銹之用。
- The critical consideration is attached to rust removing,application of anti-corrosion and fireproof coatings and its quality control. 防腐和防火施工的重點是除銹、防腐防火塗裝施工及其品質控制。
- That series is maily suitabie for surface cleaning counter-attacking foree and rust removal of steel instuction piece in large soale of 「I」and「H」in the building bridge etc. 該系列拋丸清理機主要用於建築、橋樑等行業用大型工字型鋼、H型鋼尺寸較高的鋼結構件消除應力及表面除銹清理。
- ZJ044 type shot blast cleaning machine is suitable for surface rust removal and strengthen of engine connecting bar, gear, shell cover wall, clutch friction part. ZJ044型轉檯式強化拋丸清理機主要用於發動機連桿、圓柱齒輪、膜片彈簧、齒輪軸、炮彈殼內外壁、離合器摩擦片、盤齒及其它零件的內外表面的表面清理和強化。
- It's quite clear that the electric car is technically feasible. 電動汽車明顯在工藝技術上是可行的。
- Industry is a heavy user of electric power. 工業需耗費大量的電力。
- Never poke a finger or scissors into an electric socket. 千萬不要把手指或剪刀插進電源插座。
- The machines are driven by electric motors. 這些機器都是由電動機驅動的。
- AbstractA multfunctional "4 in One", degreasing, rust removing, phosphating and passivating,colorific solution with phosphoric acid, zinc oxide, film forming agent A and accelerator as main components has been prepared. 以磷酸、氧化鋅、成膜劑A、加速劑等為主要原料,製得了一種常溫下具有除油、除銹、磷化、鈍化等多種功能的鋼鐵表面處理液,能在鋼鐵表面形成一層彩色磷化膜。
- She buy an electric toaster this morning. 今天上午她買了一個烤麵包片的電爐。