We show that demand uncertainty has a positive effect on the optimal investments and the present value of a firm. 我們將會證明產品需求的不確定性所帶來的效應對於最適投資及公司現值有正向的影響。
The September 11 tragedy and the recession worked to the advantage of the PAP, but the "by-election effect" did not materialise for the opposition. 儘管九一一和經濟危機等因素對執政黨有利,反對黨競選人數減少,卻完全沒有發揮補選的效應。
He is blind to the effect of his actions. 他不了解他的行為可能帶來的後果。
We must take the consequences of our own deed. 我們必須承擔自己行為的後果。