- The thought pattern created by mantra are positive, beneficial, calming ones. 吟誦真言可以促使我們形成積極、有益、平和的思維方式。
- What effects our thinking pattern? 什麼影響著我們的心智模式?
- The method of division of historical periods has been negated completely by the brand-new historical thought pattern. 摘要歷史分期的研究方法如今被全球史觀全新的史學思維範式完全否定了。
- Tacit knowledge is concomitant, which depends on not only background knowledge, but also intuitivism, intuition, thought pattern, belief and experience of the knowledge producer. 內隱知識是伴隨性的,它依賴於背景知識和知識生產者的洞察力、直覺、思維模式、信仰、經驗等因素。
- A third important component of Beck's model lies in his outline of some broad categories of dysfunctional thinking errors commonly found in emotional disorders. 貝克理論中第三個重要元素便是對幾類常見於情感障礙中的思維錯誤之描述。
- Inference, which includes apodictic inference and probable inference, is the chief thought pattern of ascertaining case quality. 推理是到明案件性質的主要思維形式,它包括必然推理和或然推理。
- The influence of Whitehead mainly was thinking pattern. 懷特海對朗格的影響主要是思維方式上的。
- If condition A has certain undeiinite elements, it constitutes a "math problem of diverging thought pattern not under completely definite conditions". 若其中的條件A帶有某種不確定成份,這就構成一種「條件不完全確定的發散思維型數學問題」。
- The thought pattern of the Internet Age has created some new literary modes such as the intertextual novel and the supertextual cohesive one. 當代互聯網時代的思維方式,則導致了互文小說、超文本鏈接等新型的小說表現形式。
- The idea is to identify a destructive thought pattern, then simply label it and watch it and let it pass by whenever it appears in your mind. 其中的思想是發現一種破壞性思維規律,然後,只要給它貼上「標籤」,並且觀察它,每當出現在你的頭腦里的時候讓它經過。
- The thought pattern creates a magnified reflection of itself in the form of an emotion, and the vibrational frequency of the emotion keeps feeding the original thought pattern. 思維規律以情緒作為一種形式製造了一個膨脹后的「自我倒影」;情緒的振動頻率(註:激動)又不斷地為最初的想法"補給燃料「。
- Obviously two people leave a relati**hip because there's a different thought pattern happening.My goal is to try and achieve a very deep, committed relati**hip. 我希望獲得的是靈魂深處最忠誠的關係,但是他有權選擇另一種形式,於是他選擇分手。」
- Stronghold = It's a wrong thinking pattern and keeps us imprisoned in defeat. 堅固的營壘=錯誤的思考模式,把我們局限在失敗、不斷的失敗中。
- The Chinese adopt a thought pattern of intuition and understanding while the Englishmen follow a thought pattern of logic and reason, which makes a profound impact on each language. 漢民族重直覺悟性思維,英語民族則偏邏輯理性思維,不同的思維模式深刻地影響著各自的語言。
- The thinking pattern in Marxist philosophy is the cream and crystallization of the human thinking pattern. 馬克思主義哲學思維方式是人類思維方式的精華和結晶。
- In future articles, I ll include concrete suggestions on how to change your thought patterns. 在我將來的文章中,我將講述有關如何改變思維模式的具體建議。
- We should note well that their thought patterns and behaviour arose even from those claiming to be religious. 我們應該注意到他們的思維方式和行為甚至是從自稱虔誠的人裡面出來的。
- When Mindfulness is present, you will notice when you become stuck in your thought patterns. 當覺知在場,你就會注意到自己陷入到思維模式,非常明顯,你可以後退一步,從中解脫出來。
- One of the most powerful tools to use against this ingrained negativity is to reprogram our thought patterns. 要對付這種根深蒂固的消極性最為有效的利器之一是重新改造思維模式。
- Chinese thinking pattern is circular. A Chinese essay follows a circular line of development. 漢語的思維模式屬於迂迴型思維。