- The subproblem is solved by simulated annealing algorithm. 該子問題可通過模擬退火演算法來解決。
- Kirkpatrick, Jr C D Gelatt,M P Vecchi. Optimization by simulated annealing[J]. Science,1983,(200): 671-680. 潛艇結構設計計算方法[S].;國防科學技術工業委員會批准發布;2002-03-01實施
- The results indicate the Spatial Simulated Annealing is better than grid sampling design when searching for hot spots. 文中應用空間分析的方式,進行採樣策略在搜尋污染場址中高污染區之能力。
- Furthermore, several experiments have been made based on the novel and the traditional simulated annealing methods. 筆者分別對此方法和傳統的模擬退火演算法,進行多項模擬實驗。
- The second step is the optimization of objective function by means of simulated annealing algorithm to ge. 第二,用模擬退火演算法對目標函數進行優化,從而實現了毛坯的精確定位。
- The MILP model is solved by combining a simulated annealing procedure with simplex method. 本文 提出混合線性整數規劃模型,將整數變數和連續變數分開,當運送順序給定 后,整數變數的值就相應確定,此混合線性整數卻成u模型隨之成為連續變數的 線性卻成u(LP)模型,再用模擬退火法與單純形法相結合求解。
- Simulated annealing, combined with heuristics, is applied to the optimal design of multipurpose chemical plants. 由於問題的複雜性,優化方案限於集中方式,但提供了一個與分散式試探法相對應的有益的方法。
- Optimization of permanent-magnet undulator magnets ordering using simulated annealing algorithm[J]. 引用該論文 陳念;何多慧;李格;賈啟卡;張鵬飛;徐宏亮;蔡根旺.
- So the simulated annealing algorithm is introduced to solving the material balance equation. 因此,本文引入模擬退火演算法求解物質平衡方程。
- P. J. N. van Laarhoven, E. H. L. Aarts , Simulated Annealing: Theory and Applications, Kluwer Academic Publishers 1987. 周鵬程;遺傳演演算法原理與應用;全華科技圖書股份有限公司;2002.
- This paper uses a modified GA (MGA), in which simulated annealing method is introduced. 本文將遺傳演算法進行改進,引入了退火選擇思想,演算法的收斂速度和尋找全局最優解的能力都有較大提高。
- It can also perform molecular dynamics simulations. 它能也執行分子的動力學模擬。
- Simulated annealing tends to be trapped in local optima, but it also possess powerful fine adjustment ability. 模擬退火演算法容易陷入局部最優解,但是具有很強的微調能力。
- The dynamical simulation is implemented by initializing the parameters of the system. 通過對系統的參數初始化,進行模擬。
- From the viewpoint of intensifying convergence and reducing dependency of parameters, a renewed simulated annealing algorithm for solving knapsack problem is proposed. 摘要從增強演算法收斂性和減少參數依賴性的角度出發,提出應用改進的模擬退火演算法求解0-1背包問題。
- Bede RADS stands for rocking curve analysis of semiconductor and epitaxial crystal structure by dynamical simulation. 應用Bede RADS軟體對半導體和外延層晶體結構的搖擺曲線進行動態模擬。
- Then the mechanism of Simulated Annealing is import in the algorithm above to decrease the execution time and quickens the velocity of convergence. 然後,為了加快遺傳演算法的收斂速度減少演算法執行時間引入模擬退火機制對上述演算法進行優化。
- In Solidworks/DDM system, the kinematical and dynamical simulations of the virtual prototype of nutation drive are implemented. 完成了基於Solidworks/DDM系統的雙圓弧螺旋錐齒輪章動傳動三維虛擬樣機的運動學、動力學實時模擬;
- In order to improve the efficiency and to make the optimization results better, the simulated annealing technique was embedded with genetic algorithm. 優化過程中,利用遺傳演算法進行結構優化,通過有限元技術對結構進行建模和分析。
- Dynamical simulation simulate the running scene of system using graph and image technology, and mainly used to demo and training. 動態模擬運用圖形圖像技術模擬系統運行現場,主要用於演示和培訓;