- The UK's Premier Website for Shareware and Freeware Downloads. 它英國共享和免費軟體下載的第一門戶網站。
- In the PFA's Premiership Team of the Season, Drogba was the sole Chelsea representation, compared with eight players from Man United. 至於在PFA的英超季度最佳當中,德羅巴成為切爾西的唯一代表,而曼聯卻有八位球員入選。
- David, who wears only his slingshot, has seen the best and the worst of times in Italy"s premier Renaissance city. 「大衛」只帶著一把彈弓,但他見證了義大利文藝復興時期第一城的興衰歷史。
- And now, Toyotais about to begin competing with its American counterparts on yet another level: Nascar 's premier circuit, the Nextel Cup. 如今,豐田要開始同它的美國對手在另一個級別競爭了:美國全國賽車聯合會。
- Sutera Harbour Resort is Kota Kinabalu and Sabah』s premier leisure and life-style resort and part of a healthy life-style is exercise. 如果在入住日當天沒出現在酒店, 酒店將收取預訂的總價 。兒童和額外的床鋪歡迎所有年零的兒童。所有的6歲以下的兒童在使用現有的床鋪之下 不需付費。
- The Peckham-born player was also voted into the PFA's Premier League Team of the Season and he took his club form into the international stage. 這名出生在Peckham的球員也被提名賽季最佳陣容。他成功地將俱樂部的良好表現帶到國家隊。
- To ensure a more complete nutritional program, be sure to add GNC's premier multiple vitamin Women's Solotron to your daily regimen. 一個疑問:膠原蛋白的外包裝上面,寫的還要配合女性綜合維生素一起吃,你覺得有必要嗎?
- China』s Premier Wen Jiabao travels to Japan this week in what he is calling an 「ice melting」 visit, the first by a senior Chinese leader since 2000. 中國國務院總理溫家寶對日本進行他稱之為融冰之行的訪問,這是200年以來第一次中國高層領導人訪日。
- They can also represent sports teams or stadiums such as the New York Yankees baseball team or the Supper Bowl stadium, which hosts the NFL'S premier event. 這類公司為泰戈伍茲這樣的體育明星或足球世界盃這種體育賽事擔當經理人。
- during Blair's premiership 在布萊爾首相的任期內
- The rakyat saw through the coup which was orchestrated to entrench Najib』s position before the UMNO General Assembly where he was made the country』s premier. 人民視納吉為操縱霹靂州政變的幕後黑手,他是為了在巫統黨選前鞏固自己在黨內的地位。
- Palermo star Amauri has already hinted that he will only join a side competing in Europe』s premier club competition and many other stars will take the same stance. 巴勒莫球星阿毛里已經暗示說他只會加入一個能在歐洲頂級俱樂部之間比賽的球隊,並且許多其他球星也會這樣下去。
- Milan are proud to be once again in the last four of Europe\'s premier competition and to come up against the Catalan side who have the likes of Ronaldinho, Eto\'o and Puyol. 米蘭自豪的再次成為歐洲頂級賽事的最後四強之一,並遇到擁有羅納爾迪尼奧、埃托奧和普約爾等優秀球員的加泰羅尼亞球隊。
- Features the creations of wrestling? s premiere belt maker,? the King of Belts? 特色的創作摔跤?收盤首演帶製造者?國王安全帶?
- This strain of wheat can grow during a cold spring. 這種小麥可以在寒冷的春天生長。
- Chelsea lost to Liverpool by a solitary goal in last season\'s semi-final, and it is a loss that will clearly rankle with Mourinho until his Chelsea side claim Europe\'s premier prize. 上個賽季的半決賽,切爾西以一分之差敗給了利物浦,這個失敗無疑地將會纏繞著穆帥直到切爾西獲得了歐洲聯賽的冠軍。
- I』m a Miller Lite drinker, however, by temporarily switching to Beck』s Premier Light (60 calories per serving) I was able to still enjoy a healthy social life while maintaining my diet. 我常喝的是米勒清爽型啤酒,不過,偶然喝喝貝克純生(每瓶含60卡路里),我依然能在保持減肥計劃同時,享受一個健康的社交生活。
- One should not run about aimlessly during an alert. 空襲警報期間不可到處亂跑。
- During the intermission, let's go out for some fresh air. 幕間休息時,我們出去呼吸呼吸新鮮空氣吧。
- The liner ran down a fishing-boat during the dense fog. 班輪在濃霧中撞沉了一隻漁船。