- The duration of the examination is three hours. 考試時間為三個小時。
- Limited to the duration of an episode; temporary. 短暫的僅限於一個插曲持續的時間; 短暫的
- The duration of such conditional release. 假釋期這種有條件釋放的期限
- He was prepared to do this for the duration of the campaign. 他準備好在選舉期間做這件事。
- You might as well flush it down the toilet. 你簡直是把錢扔入馬桶里去了。
- The duration of marriage is related most obviously to the expectation of life. 很明顯,婚姻生活的持續時間與人的預期壽命有關。
- Let's hope the gunmen will hold off for the duration of the cease-fire. 但願持槍歹徒在停火期間能約束自己的行動。
- The term or duration of such a contract. 租期這樣一種契約的期限或持續時間
- The duration of pain was prolonged. 疼痛期延長。
- Add two cups of well washed raw rice. 再加兩滿杯淘好的生米。
- This's a washing machine of well - known made. 這是一台名牌洗衣機。
- Its length determines the duration of the project. 它的長度就是確定工程任務的工期。
- Wave Process Analysis of Well TZ30, Tarim Basin? 塔里木盆地塔中30井區剖面波動過程分析?
- His bicycle is of better quality than yours. 他的自行車質量比你們的好。
- For invention the duration of protection be15 year. 發明專利的保護期限為15年。
- Never to be weary of well doing. 行善莫怕煩。
- Increased duration of Improved Battle Shout. 提高了強化戰鬥吶喊的持續時間·。
- Increases the duration of curses. 增加詛咒持續時間。
- Passively increases the duration of illumination. 被動增加聖光的持續時間。
- The changes were not productive of better labour relations. 這些改變並未能使勞資關係獲得改善。