"ductile copper"
"malleable metals such as gold"
"they soaked the leather to made it pliable"
"pliant molten glass"
"made of highly tensile steel alloy"
用作形容詞 (adj.)
This metal is light and workable and ductile. 這種金屬既輕,又易加工,延展性也好。
Artists use copper because it's one of the most ductile metals. 藝術家們使用銅作材料,是因為銅是延展性最好的金屬之一。
Clay is ductile when it's mixed with water. 粘土和水混合,就變得柔軟可塑。
Cadmium is a lustrous, silver-white, ductile, very malleable metal. 鎘是一種有光澤的,銀白色的,非常柔軟的,延展性很好的金屬。
The mind of a child is usually ductile. 小孩的心智通常是易於塑造的。