- The light from one side leaves half the subject' s face in shadow. 因光線來自一邊; 畫中人的臉有一半成為陰暗部分.
- I'll change my wet coat for a dry one. 我要把濕外套換成一件乾的。
- The man' s face was puce with rage. 那人的臉都氣紫了.
- Ann' s face and back are covered with freckles. 安的臉上和背上長滿了雀斑.
- Hilary' s face became very grave. 希拉里的面容變得非常嚴峻。
- Your coat has soaked in,take off and put on a dry one. 你上衣濕透了,脫下來換件干吧。
- Mr. Baker' s face slowly turned red. 貝克先生的臉慢慢地變紅了。
- Your coat has soaked in, take off and put on dry one. 你上衣濕透了,脫下來換件干吧。
- The boy 's face betrayed him to be cheerful. 那個男孩的臉顯示出他很高興。
- Kyousuke shot a quick peek at Madoka?s face. 恭介很快的瞥了一眼阿圓的臉。
- You can see a little bit of KMM's face! 可以從圖中看到一點金明民的臉。)
- He could see the moon』s face clearly. 他能夠很清楚地看見月球的表面。
- It is evident that a well lubricated bearing turns more easily than a dry one . 顯然,潤滑好的軸承,比不潤滑的軸承容易轉動。
- Ruth 's face brightened up at once . 路斯的臉立刻現出愉快之色。
- It is eident that a well lubricated bearing turns more easily than a dry one . 顯然,潤滑好的軸承,比不潤滑的軸承容易轉動。
- DC tries to find HN and HN slaps DC's face. 東燦嘗試去找惠娜;但是惠娜拍了他一巴掌.
- It is evident that a well lubricated bearing turns more easily than a dry one. 顯然,潤滑好的軸承,比不潤滑的軸承容易轉動。
- The girl ' s face mantled in joy. 那女孩高興得臉上泛起紅暈。
- To dry one's eyes and laugh at a fall ; and baffled get up and begin again. 受了挫折,也就一笑置之;摔了一跤,爬起來重新再來。
- She saw displeasure with perplexity expressed in Viola』s face. 她看到薇奧拉臉上露出既困惑又不高興的神色。