- decrease of reservoir' s water level 庫水位下降
- drum' s water level 汽包水位
- The error measuring drum water level with ordinary differential pressure gauges, which mainly relies on reference water column s correctness, is big and uncertain. 普通差壓水位計測量汽包水位主要問題在於參比水柱的不確定性,它是影響汽包水位測量誤差的主要因素。
- The wind, temperature, water level, etc has dropped considerably. 風勢已減弱了、 溫度已下降了、 水平面已降低了很多。
- Make sure to top up the water level so that is always remains the same. 一定要把水注滿使水平高度總保持不變。
- The water level in some lakes may vary greatly. 某些湖泊的水位變動極大。
- In this article, the causes of the fluctuation of the water level of steam drum and its adjustment were analyzed. 摘要分析汽包水位波動的原因后,提出了幾種對汽包水位進行合理調節的技術方法。
- The remote measurement of water level in ECR. 集控室水位遙測。
- Pumps work to keep the water level down. 水泵工作,使水位下降。
- As the water level sinks the stones are exposed . 水落石出。
- The water level has been raised by 1.1 metres. 水位提高了1.;1米。
- Adjustable float for optimum water level control. 通過調節浮球能保持最佳水位。
- Heavy rains caused the rise of the water level. 暴雨導致水位上漲。
- I come from Shanghai.Shanghai』s water is yellow;it's simply undrinkable. 我從上海來,上海的水簡直就不能吃了,而且是黃的。
- Conclusions Chitosan and it s water soluble derivatives have no cytotoxicity. 結論殼聚糖及其水溶性衍生物無細胞毒性。
- storage tank' s water level 儲水罐水位
- The drought depressed the water level in the reservoirs. 乾旱使水庫的水面降低
- The water level rises rapidly during monsoon season. 雨季水平面上升很快。
- In picture is UNHCR's water programe in Sri Lanka, beneficiaries are taking simple shower. 這是難民署在斯里蘭卡的供水項目,難民們正在進行簡單的淋浴。
- Fill the generator with fresh water above the normal water level. 給發生器注入正常水平線以上的清水。