- KELLEY J R. Drilling fluid composition [P]. US Patent: 4 374738 ,1983 -02 -22. 尉小明;劉喜林;王衛東.;木質素磺酸鹽接枝共聚物的合成及應用[J]
- Methyl silicone oil polysulfonate drilling fluid. 產。甲基硅油聚磺高密度鑽井液。
- BZ 34-2EP-P1S drilling fluid technology. BZ34-2EP-P1S井鑽井液技術
- The drilling fluid is described by Casson fluid. 採用卡森流體描述鑽井液。
- After reaching the reservoir the composition of the drilling fluid may have to be changed to avoid clogging the pores of the rock. 到達儲集層后,必須改變鑽井液的成分,以避免阻塞岩石孔隙。
- The optic nerve: A new window into cerebrospinal fluid composition? 視神經:了解腦脊液成分的新視窗?
- A novel filtration reducing agent NJ-1 for drilling fluid. 新型降濾失劑NJ-1的研究與應用
- Inhibiting effect mechanism of biopolymer MEG drilling fluid. 生物聚合物甲基葡萄糖甙鑽井液抑制機理
- Drilling Fluid Technology of Well QATIF-894 in Saudi Arabia. 沙烏地阿拉伯QATIF-894井鑽井液工藝技術
- An anti-sloughing drilling fluid system-PRT is developed, based on the analysis of clay mineral composition, structure, physical and chemical characteristics. 分析了該地區易塌層段的粘土礦物組分、結構特性和物理化學特性以及存在的鑽井液技術難題,研究出PRT防塌鑽井液體系。
- The drilling fluid may interact with the surrounding rock in other ways. 鑽井液可能會以其它方式與周圍的岩石相互作用。
- This allows the drilling fluid to suspend cuttings when drilling stops. 這一特性使鑽井液在鑽探停止時仍能使鑽屑懸浮於其中。
- Study on compound undersaturated brine silicate drilling fluid(KSN). 欠飽和複合鹽硅酸鹽鑽井液KSN配方研究
- The properties of filtrate reducer used in MMH drilling fluid are evaluated. 介紹了一種與正電膠鑽井液配伍的降濾失劑,分析了它的反應機理,並對該產品的性能進行了評價。
- This drilling fluid meets the requirements of aerated drilling technology. 該鑽井液可滿足充氣工藝要求。 此外,該鑽井液密度連續可調。
- Meanwhile,the mechanism of MMH drilling fluid protecting fractured reservo... 文中還對MMH正電膠鑽井液保護裂縫性儲層的機理進行了分析。
- The heteropoly glucoside biological drilling fluid is a new drilling fluid. 雜多糖甙生物鑽井液是一種新型鑽井液。
- Please write the "Drilling Fluids Engineering Accident Report". 請填寫「鑽井液事故報告」。
- The permeability recovery rate of reservoir cores contaminated by PGP-3 treated drilling fluid of optimal composition is higher (>90%) than that by a 3% MMH fluid and the MMH fluid with 3% temporarily plugging/shielding agent YFP added. 最佳配方PGP 3鑽井液污染后岩心的滲透率恢復率超過 90%25 ,高於 3%25MMH鑽井液及加入屏蔽暫堵劑YFP的 3%25MMH鑽井液污染后岩心的滲透率恢復率。