- On the threshold she paused -- turned partly round -- for perchance the idea of entering alone and all so changed, the home of so intense a former life, was more dreary and desolate than even she could bear. 她在門限處停下了腳步,還側轉了身體,或許,隻身一人走進以往過著提心弔膽生活、如今已經面貌全非的家,連她都受不了那種陰森凄涼的勁頭。
- We were passing the dreary and oppressive winter. 我們正在渡過那灰暗又艱苦的冬天。
- But so dreary and solitary and no one sleeps there. 但是非常壓抑,沒有人睡在這。
- Her tone was so faint and desolate. 她的聲音如此微弱和凄惋。
- It was sparsely wooded and desolate. 這裡樹木稀少,荒無人煙。
- The weeks, dreary and painful, dragged by and turned into months. 日子沉悶而難熬,一個星期一個星期,一個月又一個月地過去了。
- Where shall I kill the time? The tow is so small and desolate. 我該到哪裡打發時光?這城鎮又小又冷清。
- He looked at them with a smile both acrid and desolate. 他帶著辛辣、凄涼的微笑看著他們。
- The church was small and desolate in the early morning sunlight. 教堂很小,在清晨的陽光下顯得很冷清。
- But at that time the sky was not as bleak and desolate as now. 那時候,天空不象現在這樣荒涼。
- Answer: yeah, that is a little bit pathetic and desolate for them. 回答:是啊,對跑龍套的人是有點可悲和凄涼。
- He looked at them with a smile both acrid and desolate . 他帶著辛辣、凄涼的微笑看著他們。
- This sentimental poem is about the harsh and desolate autumn. 這是一首悲秋的詩歌。
- A novel in a style emphasizing the grotesque, mysterious, and desolate. 哥特式小說著重描寫怪誕、恐怖和孤寂的小說
- Life in peacetime Britain was grey, threadbare, dreary and hopeless. 和平時期英國的生活是灰色、乏味、沉悶並且無望的。
- I feel extremely dreary and cold tonight, would you come here to stay with me? 我今天晚上感覺特別凄冷,你來陪陪我吧。
- Terror is our lot: pitfall, ruin and desolation. 為我們只有恐怖和陷阱,破壞和滅亡。
- These complicated and duplicated images in Tang poems and Song ci-poems make up a kind of dreary and hazy atmosphere. 唐詩宋詞中的「巫山雲雨」意象常與相關或相近意象一起組成意象群。
- It was in Istanbul, it was dank and dirty and desolate, and I was in it. 即我所身處的位於伊斯坦布爾的這間,監獄里陰冷潮濕、污濁不堪,還荒蕪孤凄。
- But the romantic within him demanded the exploitation of his sensations, not the dreary and exacting labours of politics. 但是他內心的浪漫主義因素要求他去抒發情感,而不是去從事沉悶而艱苦的政治工作。