- drain d c voltage 漏直流電壓
- O O N S O N G S I A M L A N D C O., L T D. 我們公司銷售泰國茉莉香米和白色大米,請感興趣的中國進口商和代理商和我們聯繫。
- DAHLMAN C J,AUBERT J E.China and Knowledge Economy[M].Washington D C:World Bank Institute,the World Bank,2001. 課題組.;加工貿易轉型升級與結構優化研究[R]
- Lindsey D C,Emerson T E.Ch aracterization of an e ndotoxemic baboon model of metabolic and organ dysfunction.Circ Shock,1991,34:29 4298. 全竹富,黎介壽.腹腔感染致多器官衰竭的動物模型.中華實驗外科雜誌,1991,8:9193.
- As i s k nown, we s e t gr e a t s t or e by t he t r a de r e l a t i ons hi p wi t h t he t hi r d wor l d c ount r i e s . 眾所周知,我們十分重視同第三世界國家的貿易關係。眾所周知,我們十分重視同第三世界國家的貿易關係。
- Frederick H H. Protection the space shuttle from meteoroid and orbital debris. National Academy Press.Washington D C,1997. 王海福,馮順山著.;空間碎片與航天器防護
- Woods J A, J M Davis, J A Smith and D C Nieman. Exercise and cellular innate immune function. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc.; Vol.31, No1, P57-66, 1999. 侯明新;田野.;12周遊泳運動對老齡小鼠免疫細胞功能的影響[J]
- Su D C,Zou F C.Response of winter wheat genotypes of different P efficiency to spatial distribution of soil P[J].Chinese Journal of Soil Science,1999,30(6):271-273. [9]蘇德純;鄒鳳春.;不同磷效率基因型冬小麥對土壤磷空間分佈不均的反應[J]
- Mauer,D C,S H Ott,Investment under Uncertainty:The Case of Replacement Investment Decisions[J].Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis,1995,30:581-605. 劉國新;唐振鵬.;傳統產業技術創新投資決策的實物期權分析[J]
- Li D C,Zhu Z J,Xu Z H,Qian Q Q.Effects of selenium on the growth and nutrient absorption of pakchoi[J].Plant Nutrition and Fertilizer Science,2003,9(3):353-358. [20]李登超;朱祝軍;許志豪;錢瓊秋.;硒對小白菜生長和養分吸收的影響[J]
- Han D C, Lee S K, Hwang S D, et al. Lovastatin prevents glomerulosclerosis in streptozotozin-induced diabetic uninephrectomized rats[J]. Kidney Int, 1993, 44: 1181. 於力方;陳香美;黎磊石.;正常人腎小球系膜細胞培養的研究[J]
- These cables are suitable for use in railway signal interlock, fire alarm signal electrode and automatic devices for fixed installation up to 250V, a c and 500V, d c. 本產品適用於交流250V及以下,直流500V及以的鐵路信號聯鎖,火警信號電極及自動裝置線路,用於固定敷設。
- Lu,J,Vehicle Traction Performance on Snow and Ice Surfaces, TransportationResearch Recork 1536,TRB,National Research Council, Washington,D,C,1996. 李舜酩,李允平,許慶余.;小波分析在車輛振動信號檢測中的應用[J]
- That maths exam I took was a regular brain drain. 絞盡腦汁的數學測驗,我真是絞盡了腦汁。
- Olk D C, Cassman K G, Carlson R M. Kinetics of potassium fixation in vermiclitic soils under different moisture regimes [J ]. Soil Sci. SOc. Am. J., 1995,59 423-429. 陳防魯劍巍.;長期施鉀對作物增產及土壤鉀素含量及形態的影響[J]
- If I had my way, I'd go to the movies tonight. 假如我做得到的話,我今晚會去看電影。
- Pull (out) the plug and let the water drain away. 拔掉塞子,把水放掉。
- They are digging trenches to drain the water off. 他們正在掘溝排水。
- They are digging trenches to drain the water away. 他們正在掘溝排水。
- The coffee grains plugged up the kitchen drain. 咖啡渣堵塞了廚房的排水道。