- The dog cocked his ears when he heard his master 's footsteps. 那隻狗聽到主人的腳步聲就豎起了耳朵。
- The dog cocked his ears when he heard his master 's footsteps . 那隻狗聽到主人的腳步聲就豎起了耳朵。
- Wishart continues in his journalist-father』s footsteps. 他追隨父親的腳步踏上了新聞記者之路。
- Using computer graphics and virtual reality the viewer is able to retread Leonardo"s footsteps in Renaissance Italy. 他設計了讓人類在海底漫步的設備,並在人類首次飛上藍天的四百多年前,就設計了飛行器。
- Ultimately, man followed Chang E's footsteps and flew into the longed-for but previously unobtainable lofty palace. 最後,人類又追隨嫦娥的足跡,也飛進那曾是可望而不可及的崇宮傑宇。
- Welney : well I wanted to ask, are you afraid of anything ?or when you are walking your dog someone might kidnap you? 我想問你害怕什麼嗎?或者當你溜狗的時候,不怕有人會綁架你?
- Will Starcraft 2's heroes showcase new models for each hero, or will SCII follow in SC:BW's footsteps, leaving heros as normal units with improved stats? 星際爭霸的英雄會各自有自己的獨立造型出場呢,還是說星際2會走母巢一樣的路,讓英雄看起來跟普通單位一樣只是頭像不同?
- MJ career has paved the way for his latter half of the life and he would like to develop his won new market and lead those outstanding partners to follow MJ』s footstep toward the whole world! 美兆事業正是他願意轉換他下半場人生的跑道,他要以美兆健康管理開創出屬於他的新市場,並帶領優秀的團隊夥伴緊隨著公司的腳步,邁向全世界!
- The dog cocked its ears at the sound of footsteps. 狗聽到腳步聲豎起了耳朵。
- Someone tried to poison our dog. 有人想毒殺我們的狗。
- The dog kept a vigilant guard over the house. 這隻狗警惕地守護著這所房屋。
- dog someone's footsteps 盯梢,尾隨某人
- The dog stays home to whelp and raises her puppy. 這條狗待在家裡生了小狗並把它們養大。
- I better get someone to vouch for me tonight. 我最好找些人證明今晚我不在場。
- The big dog leapt up at the little girl. 那條大狗跳起來朝小女孩撲去。
- We needed someone to fix the tape recorder. 我們需要有人來修理錄音機。
- The little dog whimpered when I tried to bathe its wounds. 當我想給那小狗清洗傷口時它悲嗥起來。
- The dog flushed a pheasant from the bushes. 那隻狗把雉從灌木叢中驚起。
- Ha has been seeing someone to the station. 他剛才送人上火車站去了。