- B. Tierney, The Idea of Natural Rights 1150-1625,p. 70. 本文對"民本"概念有自己的理解;後文將予以說明.
- He linked the doctrine of natural law with the theory of popular sovereinty. 他將自然法原則同人民主權論結合起來。
- Story introduced the International Comity Doctrine of Huber with the guide of his jurisprudence of natural law, and established the basis of American conflicts law. 斯托雷以其自然法理論為指引引進了胡伯的國際禮讓說,奠定了美國衝突法的發展根基。
- I am well aware that this doctrine of natural selection, exemplified in the above imaginary instances, is open to the some objections. 我深深知道,用上述理想例子所說明的自然選擇原理,將會引起人們的反對。
- The idea of natural rights of authors was proposed and decisively rejected when the US Constitution was drawn up. 當起草美國憲法時,關於作者自然權利的想法被提議,並被堅決駁回。
- Absence of the direction of natural low and natural rights, it is the society that has to hear and keep hearing the adverse aftereffect. 如果缺乏自然權利和自然法的指引,社會將不得不承擔並將繼續承擔由此對社會導致的不利後果。
- As the basic human right, sex right is very necessary.It is the aggregate of natural right and social right.The university students have sex right too. 摘要性權利是人類自然權利和社會權利的集合體,大學生擁有性權利是無可辯駁的事實。
- The quintessence of natural rights is to follow the principle of nature, with the inclination of natural centrism. 摘要道家自然權利觀的核心觀念是因循自然,有性任自然的自然中心主義傾向。
- This is the doctrine of the nominalist party. 這是唯名主義學派的學說。
- Believing in or based on the doctrine of predestination. 信仰宿命論的,依據宿命論的相信宿命論教義的或以宿命論教義為基礎的
- Generally speaking, the development of Western human rights theories falls into the category of the "theory of natural rights", which is ideal, abstract, supra-class and hypocritical. 總體而言,西方人權理論的發展,目前仍未超出「天賦人權」這一基本精神,皆具有唯心性、抽象性、超階級性、虛偽性等特點。
- An adherent of the doctrine of illusionism. 物質世界幻覺論者相信物質世界幻覺論的信徒
- The doctrine of purposelessness in nature. 無目的論認為自然界毫無目的可言的理論
- Likewise, Locke's philosophy and his argument on private property and individual right presupposed metaphysics of natural rights and was clearly abstract, non-historical and formal. 同樣,洛克的法哲學及其對私有財產、個人權利的論證又是以自然權利的形而上學假定為前提的,具有明顯的(抽象性、非歷史性和形式化特徵。
- One who believes in the doctrine of mechanism. 機械論者持機械論觀點的人
- It was contrary to every doctrine of her belief. 那是與她的信條格格不入的。
- We visited a museum of natural history. 我們參觀了一個自然博物館。
- The church teaches the doctrine of free will. 該教會信奉自由意志的教義。
- The operation of natural law is constant. 自然法則的作用是永恆的。
- One who believes in the doctrine of predestination. 宿命論者相信宿命論的人