- In the event of such termination, all accrued and unpaid charges shall be due and payable immediately upon termination. 在此類終止事件中,所有累積的和未付的費用應於終止日期前立即支付。
- He plies the slow, unhonored, and unpaid task of observation. 他默默無聞地從事著耗時而得不到任何名利的觀察工作。
- Toyota treated almost all that time as voluntary and unpaid. 豐田(公司)一直視員工這樣的加班為員工自願並且拒絕支付報酬。
- The date on which a note becomes due and payable. 到期日,是指票據到期或應付款的日期。
- When teleview, due and downy reflex serves as basic illume. 收看電視時,應有柔和的反射光作為基本的照明。
- When ATTORNEYS' services conclude, all unpaid charges shall become immediately due and payable. 當代理人完成代理服務時,委託人應當立即支付所有結餘費用。
- Money for alimony and/or child support, which is overdue and unpaid. 拖欠的離婚贍養費和(或)子女撫養費。
- I had paid my dues and cleared my skirt of any wrongdoing. 我已經做了我應該做的,從此金盆洗手不再幹壞事了。
- This means doing more than paying dues and showing up for meetings. 這並不是說你只是交交會費,出席一下會議。
- Government offices are closed on some days, as state workers take involuntary and unpaid furloughs. 政府機關關閉多日,政府工作人員被迫無薪休假。
- With the installment due and no money to meet it, George was on the spot. 分期付款的期限已到,而又無錢償付,喬治面臨困境。
- It is unclear how many private jets are sitting unsold and unpaid for on the nation's tarmacs. 目前還不清楚美國的停機坪上有多少未售出或未付款的私人飛機。
- In Charge of Business Development and Collect Membership Dues and Sponsorships. 負責公關及會員活動。
- When it is duly presented for payment and payment is refused or cannot be obtained; or when presentment is excused and the bill is overdue and unpaid. 匯票正式作付款提示而被拒付款或未能取得款項;或匯票免作提示,而該票已過期及仍未獲付款。
- Interviewer clarification: Work includes paid and unpaid work as well as course work. Include all jobs and volunteer work. [面試者闡明:工作包括有償工作;無償工作和功課.;包括所有工作和志願工作
- The company declared a large dividend at the end of the year. 公司在年底宣布分發高額股息。
- The issue of paid work for women versus volunteer work and unpaid work in the home was a highly divisive one in the early days of the movement. 關於婦女家中工作領取報酬還是志願者服務以及分文不取的問題,在運動的初期引起很大分歧。
- I really put my foot in it by asking her when the baby was due and she wasn't even pregnant. 我確實說錯了,她根本還沒懷孕,我卻問她孩子的產期是哪一天。
- Have regard to any outstanding and unpaid Contributions of the Breaching Party and any liabilities (including contingent liabilities) of the JV Company. 應關注違背方一些突出的未繳攤款和合資公司的那些負債(包括暫時性的負債)
- And, Prissy, listen to me. Miss Melly's baby is due and she may need you any minute now. 還有,百里茜,聽我說,媚蘭小姐的孩子快生了,她隨時都可能要你幫忙。