- divide one's forces evenly 平分兵力
- Divide one piece into 3 equal portions. 將其中一塊再勻分成3塊。
- Let's divide our forces evenly. 我們平分兵力。
- If we divide one unit equally into several portions, each portion or several portions of the one unit is called fraction. 平均分成若干份,表示這樣的一份或幾份的數,叫做分數。
- Something that divides or separates, as a wall dividing one room or cubicle from another. 分隔物分開或隔離的事物,如把一間屋子或小卧室與其它的房間隔開的牆
- Because William Howe, the British general in charge of George III's forces in the colonies, had found warm comfort nearby Philadelphia with a certain Mrs Loring. 原來當時喬治三世駐美洲殖民地的軍隊是由威廉.豪統率,而這位英軍將領在費城附近落入了一位洛林太太的溫柔鄉。
- Divides one number (numerator) by another number (denominator). 用一個數(分母)去除另一個數(分子)。
- A Japanese CW unit in the Battle of Shanghai.The photo demonstrates that poison gas was used by Japanese forces even early in the war. 日軍化學兵在上海市區戰鬥中。這張照片證明日軍在戰爭一開始就使用了化學武器。
- An arithmetic operator that divides one number by another number. 將一個數除以另一個數的算術運算符。
- Some countries, especially European ones that have contributed to NATO's forces, are unenthusiastic about the shooting war they find themselves involved in. 一些國家,特別是北大西洋公約組織中有自己軍隊的國家對於他們現在所遭遇的痛苦戰爭打不起精神。
- The practice or principle of refusing to resort to force even in defense against violence. 不主張武力即使是抵抗暴力也拒絕使用武力的實踐或原則
- In fact, dividing one day』s TV program setting to various periods of time has been already approved by TV program complier, audience rating investigator and advertiser. 事實上,把一天的電視節目的設置劃分為各個時段已經成為電視節目編排者、收視率調查者和廣告投放者共同認可的一種行為。
- Japanese CW unit in the Battle of Shanghai.The photo demonstrates that poison gas was used by Japanese forces even early in the war. 日軍化學兵在上海市區戰鬥中。這張照片證明日軍在戰爭一開始就使用了化學武器。
- The number obtained by dividing one quantity by another. In 45/3=15,15 is the quotient. 商將一個量除以另一個量而獲得的數。在45÷3=15這個等式中,15是商
- Will another phoenix ,Fawkes himself , appear with his haunting song to bolster the pure of heart and weaken the dark forces even further? 鳳凰福克斯會不會唱著它奇妙的歌出現,給予那些純潔的心以支持,同時進一步削弱黑暗勢力?
- Meanwhile, we also see that some forces even attempt to bring about the disintegration and collapse of China as the case of the Soviet Union. 同時,我們還看到有一些勢力甚至試圖促成中國像蘇聯那樣解體和崩潰。
- However, the Captain James Macrae's "Cassandra", stayed to engage Captain England 's force. 這是1720年在約翰娜的一個島國,不遠處時,馬達加斯加遭遇海盜襲擊兩個英文和荷蘭的船。
- The whole secret of the teacher『s force lies in the conviction that men are convertible. 教師力量的全部秘密,照亮了我人生的旅途,感謝您用自己的生命之光,
- The all secret of the teacIT's force lies in the conviction those men are not convertible. 教師力量的全部秘密,就在於深信人是沒去外國疑問改變的。
- Describes the process for dividing one team project into two or more team projects. 描述將一個團隊項目分成兩個或多個團隊項目的過程。