- They note that if it simply redirects capital from one use to another, then the number of jobs created might not be so great. 他們注意到如果如果只是簡單的將投資從一個產業轉向另一個產業,所產生的就業崗位數就會大大減少。
- Something that is changed from one use, function, or purpose to another. 改裝物在用途、功能或目的方面從一個東西改變為另一個東西
- A routine or storage used to compensate for a difference in rate of flow of data, or time of occurrence of events, when transferring data from one device to another. 當數據從一個設備傳送到另一個設備時,用於補償數據流速率差或事件發生時間差的一種例行程序或存儲器。
- A moving belt is used to carry sand from one point to another. 用移動的皮帶把沙子從一處運往另一處。
- Matter can change from one state to another. 物質能從一種狀態變成另一種狀態。
- Customs vary widely from one area to another. 不同地區的風俗回然不同。
- A person used to tra ort drugs or contraband from one place to another. 被用來從一地到另一地運送毒品或違禁品的人。
- A person used to transport drugs or contraband from one place to another. 被用來從一地到另一地運送毒品或違禁品的人。
- Duplicate data or information copied from one medium to another. 從一種介質向另一種介質拷貝的複製數據或信息。
- As a child,he used to enjoy bouncing rubber balls from one wall to another. 小時候,他總喜歡讓皮球從一堵牆反彈到另一堵牆。
- As a child, he used to enjoy bouncing rubber balls from one wall to another. 小時候,他總喜歡讓皮球從一堵牆反彈到另一堵牆。
- He and his wife had to move from one country to another. 他和他的妻子不得不從一個國家移居到另一個國家。
- In this dictionary capital letters are used to cross-refer from one word to another. 本詞典用大寫字母表示查本詞時請參考另一詞。
- A series of stairs rising from one landing to another. 一段樓梯從樓梯的一個休息平台到下一個休息平台之間的連續台階
- Folk music has been passed down from one generation to another. 民間音樂是一代一代地流傳下來的。
- Shapes that you can use to indicate that pipelines continue from one page to the next and that you can click to jump from one page to another. 提供用於指示管道從一個頁面延長到下一個頁面的形狀,或通過單擊可以從一個頁面跳轉到另一個頁面的形狀。
- We spent the afternoon traipsing from one shop to another. 我們用了一下午的時間逛了一家又一家商店。
- An erratic mind jump from one idea to another. 心意不定的人反覆無常。
- A large receptacle, such as a bag, basket, or pocketbook, used to carry things from one place to another. 大提包大的容器,如包、籃子或手袋,用於把東西從一個地方帶到另一個地方
- We skipped from one subject to another. 我們隨便聊了聊。