- Perhaps the AMV itself could become a future combat weapon system platform. 也許,這種創新的技術會推動聯合條令和陸軍條令、訓練、指揮官培養;
- The system platform simulation results show that the function of the DCU platform meets the SST system requirements. 模擬實驗表明上述方法滿足SST系統需求。
- Enter the C2C, payment, credit system platform, such as the establishment is not be completed overnight. 進軍C2C,支付、信用體系平台等的建立並非一朝一夕就能完成。
- Since its independence in the programming language,system platform and network platform,P2P networks are likely to become future standards. 由於其獨立於編程語言、系統平台和網路平台,很可能會成為將來P2P網路的標準。
- Based on these models,the intelligent system platform is used to create knowledge base and run EW simulation through reasoning process. 然後以模擬模型庫為基礎,利用智能系統平台的知識表達和實時推理能力,建立了模擬規則知識庫並以專家系統產生式推理的方式實現規則驅動的模擬運行。
- This article will be RedHat Linux 6.0 (kernel 2.2.5) for the operating system platform, introduced in the Linux kernel compile on approach. 本文將以RedHat Linux 6.;0(kernel 2
- By using the directory based self-configuration, a Network mEasurement System Platform called NESP consists of 3 components, i. 通過基於目錄樹的自配置技術,註冊伺服器、監測中心和探針構成了網路測量系統平台NESP。
- Department : Technology &Operations Responsibilities Contribute to IT infrastructure enterprise system, operating system platform, inf... 星展銀行(中國)有限公司上海分行-工作地點:上海
- The supervisal policy and benefit of the united e-government system platform which central government initiated is analyzed quantitatively. 定量研究了中央政府發起和建設統一電子政務系統平台的管理策略及效益問題。
- So I mainly use the Linux as the operation system platform,and ZEBRA as server platform,write an implement of BGP protocol serve based on IDRP. 我們通過比較兩個協議,對兩個協議進行結合,考慮到IDRP協議自己對流控制進行處理,而BGP協議則提供相應的179埠來實現路由域之間交換報文,流控制由底層完成,這樣就無須顯式地進行分片,重傳,確認和排序。
- Familiar with all Microsoft Operation system platforms. 熟練掌握所有的微軟操作平台。
- LAN and dial up network are served as system platform to adapt flexible terminal environments, so the database server and RAS server must be configured. 系統平台採用區域網絡或撥號上網方式,以適應各種不同數據錄入終端環境。
- We also lucubrated in scheduling algorithms of discrete manufacturing system and fulfilled the design and realization of Networked Manufacturing Automation System Platform. 同時我們還深入研究了離散製造系統計劃調度問題,完成了網路環境下的製造自動化系統軟體平台的設計與開發。
- And in the area of BPO, Neusoft offers unique and flexible services by taking the most advantage of its mature and stable call center system platform and human resource specialized in IT technology. 在BPO領域,東軟發展基於成熟穩定的呼叫中心繫統平台,利用東軟的IT技術人才等優勢,為客戶提供獨特而靈活的客戶響應與支持服務。
- Testing results show that the logical module is a highly-efficient and fair bus arbitrator that can totally satisfy the requirements of the high availability system platform totally. 實際測量的結果表明該方案是一種公平、高效的匯流排仲裁器 ;完全滿足高可用CPCI系統平台的要求 .
- Based on the distributed network calculation technology of CORBA, this paper puts forward a system platform of enterprise dynamic alliance based CORBA, and presents the whole frame of system and the methods of realization . 在基於CORBA的分散式網路計算技術的基礎上,本文提出了「基於CORBA技術的動態企業聯盟系統平台的研究」,並給出了系統總體框架及實現方法。
- To construct the system platform, establish based on Web B/W/D three structures PDM, use the Mysql to establish data storage model, realize the PDM function, expands PDM using XML to the isomerism data handling ability. 構建系統平台,建立基於Web的B/W/D三層結構的PDM,採用Mysql資料庫建立數據存儲模型,實現PDM的功能,利用XML擴展PDM對異構數據的處理能力。
- Our factory diversified several years ago. 數年前我們廠就開始使產品多樣化。
- In order to increase operation efficiency and reliability of construction machinery, a condition monitoring and failure diagnosing system based on embedded system platform is suggested. 摘要為了提高工程機械的使用效率和可靠性,提出了一種基於嵌入式系統平台的狀態監測與故障診斷系統。
- Based on the combination of layered structure of embedded systems platform and the design of reliability, fault models are established. 該方法結合嵌入式系統平台的結構特點和可靠性設計,由此建立故障模型;