- He told us to keep quiet for fear that we might disturb others. 他讓我們保持安靜,以免打擾別人。
- If you make a lot of noise, you may disturb others. 如果你大聲喧嘩,就會打擾別人。
- Talk quietly in the reading room in order not to disturb others. 在閱覽室里不要大聲說話,以免妨礙別人。
- If I keep on fluctuating and having doubt, then I will creat such an atmosphere and disturb others. 如果我不斷波動,不斷地有疑慮,那麼我也會創造這樣的氣氛,攪擾別人。
- What should you say when you need to disturb others? And what about making mistakes? 如果你需要打擾別人該如何說?做錯事了呢?
- Frequently disturbs others in class. 經常擾亂課室秩序。
- It is illegal to carry a fishbowl or aquarium onto a bus because the sound of the water sloshing may disturb other passengers. 攜帶魚缸或水族箱上巴士是違法的,因為水潑濺的聲音可能打擾其他乘客。
- Bringing non-boarders into the dorm to carry out religious or commercial activities or any other activities that disturb other boarders. 十二)凡未經核准引進外人進入宿舍內進行宗教及商業(買賣)活動,或其它影響同學安寧行為。
- "At that time the English in which he mentions the concept of the right to privacy in one sentence : "Let me alone is a right, I own a right, not disturb other people a right. 當時的英文裡面提到隱私權的概念就是一句話:「就是讓我獨處的一種權利,讓我獨善其身的一種權利,不受別人打擾的一種權利。」
- For fear of disturbing others she spoke with bated breath. 因為怕打擾別人, 她低聲說話。
- It not only disturbs others but also does great harm to hearing. 它不僅打擾了別人而且也損害了聽力。
- The purpose in tiptoeing may be to avoid disturbing other people. 用這一動詞可作為避免驚擾他人之意。
- We do not disturb others. 我們不打擾別人。
- I tiptoed into the library for fear of disturbing other people. 我踮著腳走進圖書館,以免打擾別人。
- Don't disturb the paper on my desk. 別亂動我桌上的文件。
- Don't disturb her. She is learning her lessons. 不要打擾她,她在做功課。
- The two students were talking quietly,because they were afraid of disturbing others. 那個兩個學生輕聲地談話,因為怕影響別人。
- But the code does not disturb the profits. 但這種審查法規既不影響影片的利潤。
- The two students were talking quietly, because they were afraid of disturbing others. 那個兩個學生輕聲地談話,因為怕影響別人。
- I didn't like (ie felt reluctant) to disturb you. 我本不想打攪你。