- Plato was born of a distinguished family. 柏拉圖出生於名門。
- He was the progenitor of a distinguished family. 他是一家名門望族的始祖。
- He is descended from a distinguished family. 他系出名門。
- She bears herself elegantly and decently, showing herself to be from a distinguished family. 她的容止優雅得體,不愧是出自貴族名門。
- Xi Family in Dongting was once a distinguished family in the South of Yangtse River with a history over a thousand years. 摘要洞庭席氏家族為江南望族,迄今已延續千餘年,族內所修家譜及所存其他文獻資料較為豐富。
- Given an audience with President Lincoln, he discoursed at length on the high and ancient nobility of his distinguished family. 他不厭其煩細說自己家世顯赫,自古就是高門貴族。
- Su Jian,the Pingling marquis and ancestor of SU clan,gradually became a local distinguished family with a lot of talents. 在西漢,以平陵侯蘇建為先祖的蘇氏武功一派,經長期發展,逐漸發展成為地方望族,人材輩出,後世蘇氏遂以武功為郡望。
- The founding of the system of shizu and menfa, the distinguished family of hereditary power and influence, established shizu』s mastery in every social sector. 士族門閥制度的建立,確立了士族在各個社會領域的支配地位。在思想文化領域,玄學是士族的學術文化。
- WENG Tong-he Family was one of the distinguished families in Changshu in Qing Dynasty. 摘要名門望族與學術文化密不可分,清代常熟望族翁氏科第聯翩,簪纓不絕,藝文成就卓著。
- Distinguished families are closely related to academic culture, with the works of Weng-family a case in point, especially the world-famous poem, ci and articles of WENG Tong-he. 兩朝帝師翁同龢尤以詩、詞、文著稱於世,其作品的學術和藝術價值以及在中國學術史、文學史上的地位有待於深入研究。
- Marriage of distinguished family 望族婚姻
- No matter this individual is an emperor old, chancellery of princes and dukes, house distinguisheds family, famous still talent goes. 雖然說「自古美女出江南」這句話何時出自何人之口。
- She only unbends in the family circle. 她只在家庭環境里才不拘束。
- Einstein was distinguished for his originality. 愛因斯坦以其獨創性稱著。
- He was a distinguished publicist. 他是一位卓越的宣傳家。
- He's inconsiderate to his family. 他不體諒他的家人。
- Speeches distinguish human beings from animals. 人類和動物的區別在於人會說話。
- John felt it hard to rig out his family. 約翰感到難以為一家大小置備衣著。
- Premier Zhou is a distinguished politician. 周總理是一位卓越的政治家。
- Smoking is distasteful to my family. 我一家都不喜歡抽煙。