- If, upon dissolution of a joint venture, its net assets or remaining property exceed its registered capital, the excess portion shall be regarded as profit on which income tax will be payable in accordance with law. 合營企業解散時,其資產凈額或剩餘財產超過註冊資本的增值部分視同利潤,應依法繳納所得稅。
- Article 108 Following the dissolution of a joint venture, all of its account books and documents shall be retained by the original Chinese joint venturer. 第一百零八條 合營企業解散后,各項帳冊及文件應由原中國合營者保存。
- How long is the duration of a joint venture? 那麼合營期限呢?
- Now, let me go on to the legal aspect of a joint venture. 下面我接著談談合資企業的法律問題。
- Product of a joint venture may also be distribute partly on the chinese market. 合資企業的產品也可以部分地在中國市場上銷售。
- Assistant to manager of accounting department of a joint venture enterprise. 一家合資企業會計部門經理的助理。
- Sure. We are thinking of a joint venture with you in selling Chinese arts. 當然。我們正在考慮和你們公司合資經營一起賣中國工藝品。
- How should we diced the administrative responsibilities of a joint venture? 合資企業的行政管理責任是怎樣劃分的呢?
- He refused a job in a joint venture in favor of a university appointment. 他拒絕了在一家合資企業的工作而選擇了大學的、職位。
- A disease or an abnormality of a joint. 關節病病變或或畸形的關節
- We hold a joint tenancy of a flat. 我們合租一套房間。
- Upon announcement of the dissolution of Joint Venture, its Board of Directors shall work out procedures and principles for the liquidation and set up a liquidation committee. 董事會宣布解散合營企業,必須制定清算程序和原則,並成立清算委會。合營企業解散和清算的一切事宜均按中華人民共和國法律辦理。
- I've come to talk about the feasibility of a joint. 我來是為了商談合資經營的可能性。
- Dislocation: Displacement of the bones of a joint. 脫臼:一種病理狀態,由於組織破裂,組成關節的骨發生移位。
- All sorts of assets accepted by the State-owned enterprise, upon the liquidation or dissolution of the joint venture enterprise, as a gift or left behind for the State-owned enterprise to use them further gratuitously. (四)企業清算或者解散時,國有企業方接受贈與或者無償留給國企業方繼續使用的各項資產。
- He obtained the dissolution of his marriage with her. 他解除了和她的婚姻。
- We predict the joint venture will be of a great success. 我們可以預言,這個合資企業將大獲成功。
- (2) Termination or dissolution of the joint venture; (二)合營企業的中止、解散;
- The cake we made was somewhat of a failure. 我們做的蛋糕不大成功。
- The President announced the dissolution of Parliament. 總統宣布了議會解散。