- The two countries are in dispute over a lake that lies between them. 兩國為(在)它們之間的那個湖而處於分歧狀態。
- There was a dispute over the ownership of the land. 對那塊土地的所有權有爭執。
- Elinvar is a trademark for a kind of nickel-chromium steel used for watch springs because its elasticity is constant over a wide range of temperatures. 埃林瓦是一種用於手錶彈簧的鎳鉻鋼,因其能在很大的溫度範圍內保持一定的彈性。
- A pointless dispute over niggling details. 在瑣碎小事上的一次無禮爭吵
- The country that gave the world the coffee bean and the company that invented the $4 latte are fighting over a trademark, says Fortune's Stephan Faris. 一個是為世界生產咖啡豆的國家,一個是發明4美元一杯的拿鐵咖啡的公司,為爭奪一個商標,雙方展開激烈爭戰。
- Elinvar is a trademark for a kind of nickel-chromium steelused for watch springs because its elasticity is constant over a wide range of temperatures. 埃林瓦是一種用於手錶彈簧的鎳鉻鋼,因其能在很大的溫度範圍 內 保持一定的彈性。
- The genuflection to Beijing occurs just when Japan's relations with America have been strained by a dispute over a military base. 日本與美國因軍隊基地的問題發生口角,關係陷入僵局,日本才情願卑躬屈膝的來到北京。
- If a trademark or trade name is purchased, however, the cost may be substantial.Such cost should be capitalized and amortized to expense over a period of no more than 40 years. 如果商標或品牌是買來的,其成本可能很高,這種費用應予以資本化,在不長於40年的時間裡予以攤銷。
- A trademark for a microcomputer operating system. 微機系統管理一種微機操作系統的商標
- The two countries had a territorial dispute over which one owned the island. 兩國之間存在著涉及那個島嶼歸屬的領土爭端。
- A trademark used for a brand of petroleum jelly. 凡士林用來作為石油脂的商標
- A trademark used for a civilian motor vehicle. 民用吉普車一種民用汽車商標
- There is a dispute over the ownership of the land. 對那塊土地的所有權有爭執。
- A trademark used for a repeating rifle or pistol. 毛瑟槍一種連發步槍和手槍的商標名
- The secretary reportedly has been trying to mediate between Kurdish leaders and the central government in Baghdad, over a thorny territorial dispute over the oil-rich region of Kirkuk. 國防部長蓋茨在離開伊拉克前的最後幾個小時來到伊拉克的庫爾德斯坦,與這個半自治地區的主席巴爾扎尼會面。
- Not having a trademark or brand name. 沒有商標的,沒有牌子的
- It was a dispute over economic policy. 這是一場關於經濟政策的爭論。
- He sat frowning over a crossword puzzle. 他坐著皺著眉頭在思考縱橫字謎。
- A trademark used for a sonic depth finder. 迴音測深儀一種聲音測深儀的商標