- The government's intervention in this dispute will not help. 政府對這場爭論的干預不會起作用。
- A noise abatement notice is served on the club. 向俱樂部發停止大聲喧嘩的通知。
- Your sincerity is not in dispute. 你的誠懇是無可置辯的。
- I posted a notice about it on the bulletin board. 我把有關那件事的通告貼在布告欄上。
- I do not think anyone will dispute with that. 我認為沒有人會不同意這點。
- Meal times are shown on the notice board. 告示牌上寫有用餐時間。
- I took sides with him in the dispute. 在那次爭辯中我支持他。
- Let's pin the notice on the bulletin board. 咱們把這個通知釘在布告牌上吧。
- An official mission was sent to settle the dispute. 一個官方使團被派去解決爭端。
- Her courage is beyond all dispute. 她的勇氣是無可置疑的。
- It was Susan who brought the problem to our notice. 是蘇珊提醒我們注意那個問題的。
- She pinned the list up on the notice board. 她把名單釘在布告欄上。
- I won't dispute the justice of his remarks. 我不懷疑他的話是公平合理的。
- The dispute was settled without acrimony. 這場爭論未劍拔弩張而獲解決。
- This news made us all sit up and take notice. 這消息立即引起我們大家的注意。
- He is in the right in this dispute. 在這場辯論中他是正確的。
- He is without dispute the better player. 他無疑是較優秀的選手。
- I notice a certain coolness between them. 我察覺他們彼此間有些冷淡。
- Take notice of what I have told you. 注意我告訴你的事情。
- Did you notice anything peculiar? 你注意到有什麼異常的事嗎?