- The dead tree is alive with insects. 這棵枯樹上爬滿了昆蟲。
- I tasted the fish my mother cooked with relish. 我津津有味地品嘗了我媽媽做的魚。
- Chicken is often cooked with a sage and onion stuffing. 烹飪雞肉時常放洋蘇葉、洋蔥等填料。
- As requested by many members, we will continue Chef Sonny's fabulous Asparagus promotion at Napoli, where you can enjoy the finest dishes cooked with both White and Green Asparagus. 在歐洲的許多國家,現在正是傳統的品嘗蘆筍的好時候,很高興與您共度這一短暫的蘆筍季。
- A small ball of dough cooked with stew or soup. 湯糰,糰子,餃子燉或煮制的小麵糰
- The Guangzhou dish "a Dragon Fighting against a Tiger" (a snake cooked with a cat) is marvelous to the taste. 廣州菜「龍虎鬥」(活蛇活貓),了不起的口味。
- When I was child, I liked to play with insects. 當我是個孩子時,我很喜歡昆蟲。
- Her face was covered with insect bites. 她的臉上滿是蟲咬的疤痕。
- The room is filled with insects. 房間裡面充滿了蟲.
- She plugged in and began to cook with the cooker . 她接通電源,然後開始用電爐做飯。
- The traveller's face was covered with insect bites. 旅行者滿臉都是被蟲子叮咬的疙瘩。
- Are all cooked with this kind of soy paste. 都是用這些醬燒制而成的。
- I like to have food cooked with sugar. 用糖燒的我都喜歡。
- Its leaves are cooked with turkey or goose. 它的葉子和火雞或是鵝肉一塊炒。
- His face was covered with insect bites. 她的臉上到處都是蟲咬的痕迹。
- She plugged in and began to cook with the cooker. 她接通電源,然後開始用電爐做飯。
- He ran out of firewood to cook with. 他煮飯的材火用光了。
- What's the Healthiest Oil to Cook With? 什麼食用油最健康?
- I like Atkins because I cook with butter. 我喜歡阿特金斯,因為我做飯喜歡用黃油。
- R: I saw famous Jadeite Cabbage with Insects and Meat-shaped Stone. 我看到了有名的翠玉白菜和東坡肉形石,你知道嗎?