- The bladder of the football is broken. 這顆足球的球膽破了。
- The urethra originates at the neck of the bladder. 尿道起始於膀胱頸部。
- Bladder cancerz; Malignant tumour of the bladder. 膀胱癌:膀胱的惡性腫瘤。
- The poor man has a serious disease of the liver. 這個可憐的人患有嚴重的肝病。
- Any of various diseases of the brain. 腦病任何種類的大腦疾病
- Nay, there is no stand or impediment in the wit, but may be wrought out by fit studies; like as diseases of the body, may have appropriate exercises. 人之才智但有滯礙,無不可讀適當之書使之順暢,一如身體百病,皆可借相宜之運動除之。
- Any of several diseases of the blood or lymph vessels. 管腺病; 淋巴管病一種血管或淋巴管疾病
- He specializes in diseases of the hearts. 他是心臟病方面的專家。
- She's got a disease of the eyes. 她得了眼病。
- It's disease of the last five thousand years. 這是五千年來的病症。
- A disease of the intestinal tract. 腸病一種腸道疾病
- Paget's disease of the breast is shown here. 這裡顯示了乳腺Paget病。
- The greater part of the rabbit population of Britain went under to the disease of myxomatosis. 繁殖在不列顛的兔子,曾經由於粘液瘤病而死去一大半。
- The disease of the present have little in common with the disease of the past save that we die of them. 現在的疾病和過去的疾病幾乎沒有什麼相同的地方,除了我們會因之而死外。
- She is studying glaucoma and other diseases of the eye. 可以推斷出是一種眼疾。
- Cystitis cystica, often occurring concurrently with pelvic lipomatosis, is a rare proliferative inflammatory disease of the bladder. 囊狀膀胱炎是一種罕見的膀胱增生性發炎性疾病,常與骨盆腔脂肪增多症合併發生。
- Dog urolithiasis is one of the common diseases of the pets service. 犬尿石症是寵物門診常見的疾病之一。
- Diseases of the retina can cause vision loss over time. 隨著時間的推移,視網膜的疾病可能引起視力下降。
- Pain in or disease of the hip or hip joint. 髖部或髖關節的疼痛或疾病
- The branch of dentistry that deals with diseases of the tooth root, dental pulp, and surrounding tissue. 牙髓病學研究牙根、牙髓及其周圍組織疾病的牙醫學的一個分支