- A random variable with a numerical value that is defined on a given sample space. 隨機變數在給定的樣本空間內定義的,具有一個數值的隨機變數
- An "isolation" helium reservoir separates the UHV sample space from the dewar vacuum space. 液氦儲存容器隔離了超高真空室和杜瓦真空室。
- As for the undivided linear sample space, the kernel function is needed to map onto another high dimension linear space. 對於線性不可分的樣本空間,需要尋找核函數,將線性不可分的樣本集映射到另一個高維線性空間。
- Sample space order method is used to give the lower confident limits of mean life under unequal time truncations for exponent distribution. 使用樣本空間排序法給出了指數分佈情形下不相同定時截尾試驗平均壽命置信下限的估計方法。
- By the learning errors of the LS-SVM model, most sample points of small errors are deleted from the original sample space, and thus the sparseness of the LS-SVM is obtained. 根據最小二乘支持向量機模型學習誤差的大小,去除原變數空間中大部分誤差較小的樣本點,從而獲得回歸模型的「稀疏」特性,大大簡化了模型複雜程度。
- Abstract The human pupillary control system was investigated with double-pulse light dichoptic stimulation to explore its discrete sampling behavior. 摘要 當雙脈衝之間的時間間隔較長時, 瞳孔產生兩次收縮反應;
- In this algorithm the classification of samples in the critical zone is decided by the voting of K-NN set in the feature space and the sample space. 該方法將特徵空間分類超平面附近的樣本分類,交由特徵空間和樣本空間中的K-近鄰集體投票表決。
- To solve the aberrance problem of electromagnetic signals caused by Fourier transform of limited time and discrete sampling, the function and the influence of windows with different scales were discussed. 摘要針對電磁法物探觀測信號離散傅立葉變換中信號畸變問題,研究了不同尺度窗口對信號分析的作用和影響。
- In such a case, there would be an infinite number of possible and differen' sinusoids (of varying amplitude and phase) of the Nyquist frequency component that are represented by the discrete samples. 引入低通濾波器或提高低通濾波器的參數;
- Firstly, the combined feature of the unknown target is compared with the samples of the training sample space in the NNFC, and a feature difference matrix is obtained. 該分類器首先把待識別目標的組合特徵與訓練模板中的組合特徵樣本一一進行比較,從而得到了一個特徵差矩陣。
- In the gain measurement, the sample spacing can be enlarged directly, yet the required maximum remains unchangeable. 增益測量時可以將採樣間距直接增大,亦可有效地獲得所需的最大值。
- The spatial spectrum is sampled in this bandwidth.The sampling space is proportional to the bandwidth and inversely to the space-bandwidth product of the aperture function. 在此帶寬內對頻譜抽樣, 抽樣間距與觀察處的帶寬成正比, 與孔徑函數的空間帶寬積成反比。
- Discrete sampling image-forming system 離散採樣成像系統
- The Coarse Error Eliminating in Small Sample Space 小樣本容量測量數據中粗差的剔除
- Constructing Sample Space in Multi-perspective 多角度構建樣本空間
- Tell that joker to stop using my parking space. 叫那個傢伙不要佔用我的停車場。
- A closed-Form approximation of likelihood functions for discretely sampled diffusions: the exponent expansion. 7.;離散採樣擴散的一個封閉式近似的或然性函數:指數的擴張。
- Troubles inside the sample space 區內故障
- What I need is nothing but a sample. 我需要的不過是一件樣品而已。
- There is plenty of space here to move about. 這裡有很大的活動空間。