- A number of men were detached to guard the right flank. 派遣了一些士兵守衛右翼。
- A small party of men were told off for burial duty. 一小組人被分派去執行掩埋的任務。
- An Allegiant Follower of Women s Rights? 魔術英語網為您收集 魔術英語,效果神奇!
- The chief aim of man is not to get money. 人的主要目的並不是賺錢。
- He is not the kind of man I'd like to serve under. 我不喜歡在他這種人手下幹事。
- Mathematics arose from the need of men. 數學是由於人們的需要而產生的。
- The age was productive of men of genius. 那個時代出天才。
- Even the best of men ignored that simple rule. 甚至最優秀的人也忽略了那條簡單的規則。
- discourse of men's rights 男權話語
- Judge not of men and things at first sight. [諺]初次印象,難得真相。
- Despise not the discourse of them that are ancient and wise. 不聽老人言,吃誇在眼前。
- Kuzco: Pacha!That』s right, you are just the man I want to see. 柏查: 是的,我們家現在是第六代住在那個山頂上了。
- This is the kind of man President-elect Mr S. 候任總統納丹就是這樣的一個人。
- The bra and panties stand for women』s rights. 胸衣和內褲代表婦女的權力。
- In his books, he lays bare the foulness of man. 在他的著作中,他揭露人類的卑鄙。
- Ciara ft. Lil Jon - That\'s right (OFFICAL VIDEO! 所選視頻內容暫時不能播放.;請過一段時間再試
- He predicated rationality of man. 他斷言人是有理性的。
- God\'s in his Heaven ,All\'s right with the world! 當然有:)「無神」如果是用來麻醉人的,它就是錯的。
- I saw a group of men sucking beer from a big barrel through straws. 我看到一大群人正用麥管從啤酒桶里吸著喝酒。
- MacReady:That's right, Garry. 麥克里迪:對,加里。