- China』s role in the brouhaha, if any, is unclear. 如果出現騷亂,中國政府的態度會是怎樣就不明朗了。
- FERC's role in siting projects is controversial. FERC在項目選址中的角色仍有爭議。
- Three love of star is " uncontentious person "'s roles forever. . . . . . 三星之戀永遠都是"老好人"的角色......
- Section 4, the influence of the white paper and Trudeau" s role. 第四部分:白皮書的影響及特魯多的作用。
- The voicelessness is quite out of place with China"s role in the world. 這種「無聲」的狀況與中國在世界發揮的作用極不相符。
- Must be hard keeping her natural high pitched voice low for C.C.』s role! 要降她平時很高音的聲音來演C.c.一定很困難吧...
- All the results above supplied basis for further studies on SBP』s roles in mechanism of HBV infection and anti-HBV immune response. 以上結果對進一步研究SBP在HBV感染、機體抗HBV的免疫反應機制和乙肝防治中發揮的作用奠定了基礎。
- In traditional retail,IT's role is less critical because most companies ship consumer goods in bulk to retail stores. 在傳統的零售中,IT的作用沒有這麼重要,因為大多數公司都是大批量向零售商店發貨。
- Therefore, he estimated that EU's role in resisting America would increase in the future. 因此,他估計歐盟抵制美國的作用在今後還將增加。
- Ezra Pound』s role as a leading spokesman of famous Imagist Movement in the history of American literature. 龐德在美國文學史上意象派運動中是個重要的人物。
- Study GS-Rg3's role playing in fibroblast's hyperplasia and apoptosis and its influence on the cell cycle. (7)GS-Rg3研究進展。
- LEAA's role in the behavior modification research began at a meeting held in 1970 in Colorado Springs. LEAA在行為修正實驗中的角色開始於1970年春天在科羅拉多舉行的一次會議。
- Baidu handles 60 percent of Chinese Web searches, dwarfing Google\\\\\\\'s role in the vast national market. 百度佔據了中國網路搜索市場60%25的份額,谷歌在這個巨大市場的表現可以說相形見拙。
- In a segregated America, the NAACP's role in helping the black community was undeniable. 在一個隔離化的美國,NAACP在幫助黑人群體方面的作用無可置疑。
- However, there are a variety of issues in Industry-university alliance(IUA), which severely impact IUA』s role. 目前,我國企業與高校、科研院所的聯盟合作中存在諸多問題,嚴重影響到產學聯盟作用的發揮。
- And the cut it the budget this year is a result of the problems of fixing ITRI's role. 而今年的預算刪減,也是定位遭質疑的結果。
- Firstly , Gefei" s role in his works is a meditater , as well as a rhetorician indulging in books . 首先,格非在寫作中扮演的形象是一個冥想者,一個從書本到書本的語言修辭家。
- The American negotiator』s role becomes that of an impersonal purveyor of information and cash. 尤其引起跨文化誤解的兩個特點是美國談判者的直截了當和缺乏耐心。
- The author analyses and summarizes Trudeau" s role in Canadian foreign history at last. 簡單評價特魯多在加拿大外交史上的重要地位。