- I don't think this is a dereliction of duty. 我認為這不是瀆職。
- I can't allow your dereliction of duty. 我不能容許你玩忽職守.
- I can't stand your dereliction of duty. 我不能容許妳玩忽職守.
- As for her, I was a serious dereliction of duty. 而對於她,我是嚴重失職了。
- He was found guilty of gross dereliction of duty. 他被判嚴重玩忽職守.
- I cann't tolerate you to dereliction of duty. 我不能容許妳玩忽職守.
- He did not think this amounted to dereliction of duty. 他並不認為這是疏忽失職。
- This policeman was punished for his dereliction of duty. 這名警察因玩忽職守罪被判了刑。
- He was reduced to ordinary soldier due to a serious dereliction of duty. 他因嚴重失職被降為普通士兵。
- The police officers were found guilty of serious dereliction of duty. 這些警察被判犯有嚴重瀆職罪。
- It would suggest some dereliction of duty for a man bent on creating image. 對一個在乎形象的人來說顯然是怠忽職守。
- His criticisms of their dereliction of duty were right on the button. 他批評他們玩忽職守,這是很中肯的。
- This is a clear regulatory system dereliction of duty, not as an executive. 這分明是一個監管體制失職,行政不作為的問題。
- The law clearly stipulates criminal sanctions for any prison staff guilty of dereliction of duty. 對監管工作人員的瀆職犯罪,法律明確規定應給予刑事制裁。
- As farmers deserve state protection of farmland, these people trample serious dereliction of duty. 作為農民的耕地應受到國家重點保護,可他們這些人肆意踐踏,嚴重失職。
- Therefore, we can not copy the crime of dereliction of duty and bribery of the main provisions. 所以,不能照搬瀆職受賄罪關於主體的規定。
- All five are still on active duty in Iraq. Four are charged with rape and murder, one with dereliction of duty. 五個士兵仍在伊拉克境內服役。
- At the same time, we elaborated the crime of negligence and self-confidence to dereliction of duty. 同時闡述了玩忽職守罪的疏忽大意與過於自信的認定。
- I also want to ask the departments under the Ministry of Health how they explain their dereliction of duty? 還想問,衛生部的下屬機構,你們對你們的失職何以自處?
- The crime of bending law for selfish ends is a typical crime of dereliction of duty. 徇私枉法罪是典型的司法工作人員瀆職犯罪。