- They had to ransom the kidnapped diplomat. 他們不得不贖回被綁架的外交官。
- He once served in diplomatic service. 他曾一度干外交工作。
- His job as a diplomat was a blind for his spying. 他擔任外交官的職務是為了給他的間諜身分打掩護。
- The diplomat was declared persona non grata. 這位外交家被宣布為不受歡迎的使節。
- We admire her for her diplomatic tact. 我們佩服她的外交手腕。
- His father had been in the diplomatic service. 他的父親曾在外交部門供職。
- He is acting in a fiduciary capacity. 他以受託人身份行為。
- Those two countries have broken off diplomatic relations again. 那兩個國家再次終止了交往。
- The lift has a capacity of 15 persons. 這部電梯的載容量為15 人。
- He enjoys diplomatic privileges. 他享有外交特權。
- The exercise of patience is essential in diplomatic negotiations. 在外交談判中,重要的是要有耐性。
- Genius is the capacity of evade hard work. 天才是避免苦幹的能力。
- What's the cubic capacity of this engine? 這台發動機的立體容積是多少?
- The diplomat solved the international problem by negotiating. 外交官通過談判解決了那個國際問題。
- She has an enormous capacity for hard work. 她有苦幹的巨大能力。
- The capacity to endure hardship or pain. 耐力忍受困難和痛苦的能力
- He understands about diplomatic etiquette. 他熟知外交禮節。
- The capacity to respond to stimuli. 反應力對刺激的反應能力
- Capacity or inclination to yield under pressure. 支持不住在壓力下屈服的能力或傾向
- Settling the dispute needed a diplomatic master-stroke. 要解決這一爭端需有高明的手腕。