- What is the time requirement for the stamp tax return? 印花稅的申報期限是?
- You should also make a supplementary payment for stamp tax. 請您公司補繳印花稅。
- Your company should make a supplementary payment for stamp tax. 請您公司補繳印花稅。
- Taxpayer: What is the time requirement for the stamp tax return? 納稅人:印花稅的申報期限是?
- In 1763, the English tried a tax on all official documents (the Stamp Tax). 英國在一七六三年試圖將稅加於所有的官方文件上(印花稅),美國人強烈地反彈。
- Tax official: As the executor of the contract, you should pay the stamp tax on the base of transaction price at 0.5%. 稅務局:作為購房合同的出具人,您須按合同成交額的0.;5%25交納印花稅。
- Should It Subject to Stamp Tax when Transferring Domestic Shares in Foreign Countries? 在境外轉讓境內股權要繳印花稅嗎?
- Real estate tax, fee for use of ground, deed tax, stamp tax, vehicle license tax, and etc. 房地產稅﹑場地使用費﹑契稅印花稅﹑車輛使用牌照稅等。
- Meanwhile, we analyse the cause of the effect of securities transaction stamp tax on the stock market volatility. 同時,我們對證券交易印花稅調整導致股價波動性的效應進行了成因分析。
- The securities transaction stamp tax rate was reduced and the stamp tax on stock purchases was scrapped. 下調證券交易印花稅稅率並改為單邊徵收。
- Duty revenue declined 19.3 percent while takings from stock stamp tax shrank 95.7 percent. 印花稅下降19.;3%25的同時,股票印花稅收入縮減了95
- The tripling of the stamp tax, to 0.3%, makes the position of regulators abundantly clear. 印花稅上調兩倍,達到3%25,這使得監管者的立場十分明確。
- Tax official: I think so,but it is subject to the national tax authority.in the end,I remind you to pay stamp tax on the contract of transfer. 稅務局:我認為是這樣,不過這要由國稅局來解答。最後,我提醒你股權轉讓合同別忘了繳印花稅。
- Time is sometimes called the fourth dimension. 時間有時被稱為第四度空間。
- Tax official: I think so, but it is subject to the national tax authority. In the end, I remind you to pay stamp tax on the contract of transfer. 我認為是這樣,不過這要由國稅局來解答。最後,我提醒你股權轉讓合同別忘了繳印花稅。
- May Applications be Made for Refund or Credit of Excess Stamp Taxes Paid? 多繳的印花稅能申請退稅或抵用嗎?
- In a further move to bolster prices, the government is rumoured to be on the verge of reducing a stamp tax on transactions. 為了進一步穩定股價,有流言說政府會削減交易印花稅。
- Tax official: I think so, but it is subject to the national tax authority.in the end, I remind you to pay stamp tax on the contract of transfer. 稅務局:我認為是這樣,不過這要由國稅局來解答。最後,我提醒你股權轉讓合同別忘了繳印花稅。
- What can buy a stock exchange to appear on the market is enclosed fund, receive commission not to collect stamp tax only. 可以購買證券交易所上市的封閉式基金,只收傭金不收印花稅。
- With the change of economic climate and the development of electronic commercial affairs,the current stamp tax should be adjusted. 隨著經濟環境的變化及電子商務的發展 ,我國現行印花稅需做適當的調整。