- The digital logging instruments have many types and are different in plot format that makes difficult to build the data storage and nonstandard of the plot. 數字化測井儀種類多、成果圖格式各異,造成測井數據建庫困難,解釋成果圖不規範。
- Reservoir monitor tool(RMT) is a new type carbon/oxygen(C/O) log instrument. 油藏監測儀(RMT)是目前各種碳氧比測井儀器中計數率和測量精度最高的一種新型的測井儀器。
- This paper describes the generator of the new logging instrument of pulsed neutron lifetime and C/O spectra. 文章介紹了脈衝中子壽命與碳氧比測井儀中子發生器。
- TDC synthetic well logging instrument can measure the volume change of mud in several mud pits at the same time. 綜合錄井儀採用了完全相同的浮子式感測器測量電路對多個泥漿池中泥漿的體積進行測量。
- Here in this paper the structure of program tape of CSU digital logging system was discussed and as a result the file and program directories of it was presented. 文中討論了CSU數控測井儀的程序帶結構,介紹其中的文件目錄與程序目錄,分析了CSU是如何通過文件目錄與程序目錄管理程序帶上的文件的。
- It has been 12 years since 1981 introducing integreted log instrument from Gearhart Co., England. 新疆石油管理局自1981年從英國吉爾哈特公司引進綜合錄井儀以來已有12年的歷史。
- The big disadvantage is the loss of accuracy and resolution, but some digital picoammeters combine accuracy and dynamic range by combining autoranging and digital log conversion. 這種方法,較大的缺點是損失了準確度和解析度。然而,也有些數字式皮安表,採用自動量程和數字對數變換的方法,這可將準確和寬動態範圍結合了起來。
- Simulation test has proved that the design method of new TLI .is feasible, it is a betterment to conventional logging instrument. 模擬試驗表明,新型遙傳測井儀介面電路的設計方法是實際可行的,它是對傳統遙傳測井儀的較大改進。
- The transform density logging instrument of type SFB98D is used to measure the quality of solidity well with full wave series. SFB98D變密度測井儀是通過測量全波列來衡量套管井固井質量的一種儀器。
- Determination of photomultiplier working points is the key problem in solving process of natural gamma ray logging instrument (NGRLI), and also the main issue puzzling NGRLI. 自然伽瑪測井儀在調試過程中的關鍵問題是光電倍增管工作點的確定,也是困繞測井儀的主要問題。
- Schlumberger and Baker Atlas in America and Russian company have developed logging instrument to measure formation resistivity in cased well with metal casing pipe. 美國的斯倫貝謝、貝克阿特拉斯公司和俄羅斯開發出在金屬套管井內測量地層電阻率的測井儀器;
- The traditional well logging instrument is limited by the capacity of data storage and transport data to computer by RS232 BUS in well logging technology. 在油井測試技術中,傳統的測井儀數據存儲量有限,通常採用RS232匯流排將採集到的數據傳輸給上位機。
- The 1_(11/16) inch neutron-gamma logging instrument is mostly used in gamma dep th correction since it was introduced.Neutron well logging is seldom used. 國內1-11/16英寸中子伽馬測井儀從引進以來主要用於伽馬校深,中子測井應用極少。
- In this paper, a new-style Gama Ray Spectrometry is developed, that is mainly used in natural Gama Ray Spectrometry Logging Instrument and Lithology Density Logging Instrument. 本文設計了一種新型的伽馬能譜儀,主要應用於自然伽馬能譜測井和岩性密度測井。
- This paper discusses the thermal analysis and the design about the hydrocarbon analyzer bin in the mud logging instrument,and optimizes the computed results. 文章介紹了用熱設計理論和經驗公式對錄井儀器中的烴組分分析機箱進行熱分析和熱設計,對計算結果進行優化。
- Logging truck is a kind of special equipment used widely in well logging and perforation.It sends logging instrument to different depth of well via the rotation of roller with cable enwound on it. 測井車是油田行業用於測井及射孔的專用設備,該設備通過纏繞電纜的滾筒的正反轉將測井儀器放入井下或提回井面,以測得油井不同深度的各種性能參數。
- Application of Digital Logging Drafting System in Geological Report 數字測井繪圖系統在地質報告中的應用
- Printing software of graph of digital logging system in coalfield 煤田數字測井圖件列印通用化解決方案
- With this adapter, cable depth marks can be recorded in real time on both tapes and films while logging.The adapter is adaptable to all types of the imported logging instruments. 該裝置能在測井過程中將深度記號實時採錄到磁帶和膠片上,它適用於任何型號的引進測井裝備。
- This paper presents the funda mentals and logging method of array and combination elcctrode logging tools (ACELT ) - a new type of resistivity logging instruments. 本文系統地敘述了新型全電極測井儀的基本原理、測井方法、數學模型及物理基礎。