- A low-speed input device that converts graphic and pictorial data into binary, numeric inputs for a digital computer. 一種低速輸入設備,它將圖形和圖象數據轉換成用於數字計算機的二進位數值輸入。
- Most of the computers we are using are digital computers. 我們正在使用的計算機大多數是數字計算機。
- The process whereby a digital computer translates the instructions of a program written in a high-level language into their machine language equivalents. 數字計算機藉此把高級語言編寫的程序中的指令翻譯成與其等價的機器語言程序的處理過程。
- The first digital computer was put into use in 1944. 一九四四年,第一台二位制計算機投入了使用。
- The digital computer works on a series of electrical impulses. 數字計算機依靠一系列電脈衝工作。
- The LED numeral tube is composed by the digital computer control circuit and RGB LED photosource, is one kind of new senior decoration lamps and lanterns. LED數碼管是由數碼電腦控制電路和RGB三色LED光源組成,是一種新型高級裝飾燈具。
- The first digital computer, called ENIAC, was built in the 1940s. 第一台數字計算機叫做ENIAC,它誕生於20世紀40年代。
- Information is represented in digital computer in groups of bits. 在數字計算機里,信息被一組比特所表示。
- digital computing circuit 數字計算電路
- Gate: Part of a computer circuit which tests a pre-condition in a program,e.g. the statements "and "and "or". 門:電腦線路的一部份,它檢查程式內的預定情況;例如「與」和「或」的語句。
- The binary system of numbers is used in digital computers. 數字計算機都使用二進位數字系統。
- Intel Corp.: U.S. manufacturer of semiconductor computer circuits. 英特爾公司: 美國半導體計算機電路製造商。
- Magnetic tape is now widely used in the larger digital computer systems. 磁帶正在大型數字計算機系統中廣泛使用著。
- An electronic circuit or mechanical device capable of assuming either of two stable states,especially a computer circuit used to store a single bit of information. 觸發器,雙穩態多諧振蕩器一種能採用兩種穩定狀態中任一種的電子電路或機械裝置,尤指用於儲存單個信息單位的計算機電路。
- These neurons may be physically constructed or simulated by a digital computer. 這些神經元可以實際建造,或者用數字計算機模擬。
- Flip-Flop An electronic circuit or mechanical device capable of assuming either of two stable states, especially a computer circuit used to store a single bit of information. 觸發器,雙穩態多諧振蕩器一種能採用兩種穩定狀態中任一種的電子電路或機械裝置,尤指用於儲存單個信息單位的計算機電路。
- An electronic circuit or mechanical device capable of assuming either of two stable states, especially a computer circuit used to store a single bit of information. 觸發器,雙穩態多諧振蕩器一種能採用兩種穩定狀態中任一種的電子電路或機械裝置,尤指用於儲存單個信息單位的計算機電路
- Magnetic-tape units are compatible with IBM-type digital computers. 磁帶單元與IBM型數字計算機是配套的。
- The paper studies the techniques of the recovery of wasted computer circuit board through physical and chemistry method, Wasted circuit boards are crashed by pulverizer. 本文用物理及化學方法研究了廢舊電腦線路板的處理回收工藝。
- In this book we shall consider only digital computers. 在本書里,我們只討論數字計算機。