- Next time I need to transport a bagel, or store a bagel, I』ll dig out one of my empty CD spindles, and take advantage of it』s useful design. 這款手機充電器的電源線就模擬了蔓藤的形態,充電之餘不忘給房間添加綠意。
- Firstly the integrality of query results in SINA is analyzed, digging out one flaw in the completeness of the negative update results. 摘要分析了SINA在查詢結果上的完整性,發現和解決了其在消極更新結果完整性上的一點不足。
- It is not easy to dig out the past. 發掘過去的歷史是不容易的。
- We are expecting to dig out some important facts. 我們希望能找出一些重要的事實。
- I checked out one million dollars. 我開支票提出一百萬美元。
- The lights went out one after another. 電燈一個接一個滅了。
- He weed out one by one the book he do not want. 他把不想要的書一本一本丟掉。
- He weeded out one by one the books he didn't want. 他把不想要的書一本一本丟掉。
- Can you dig it my bobble?Check this out one time, woo! 您瀏覽了太多的頁面,所以您無法看到該頁的內容...
- He is trying his best to dig out the truth. 他正在儘力查明真相。
- We should dig out weeds before sowing seeds. 在播種前我們得先將雜草挖掉。
- It』s fun to have one』s mistakes made into a Dilbert cartoon.If no one else knows how to do what you do, leaving your group is going to be tough. 比如說,在科比表現不佳的時間裡,在夏季休賽的時候,也一直堅持著維護他的球迷網站。
- They agreed to help him to dig out the jade. 他們同意幫助他把玉挖出來。
- Why did you dig out all these old magazines? 你把這些舊雜誌翻出來幹什麼?
- He is bur by an avalanche and have to is dig out. 他遇雪崩被埋住了, 得把他挖出來。
- He dug out a faded photograph and showed it to me. 他找出一張褪了色的照片拿給我看。
- Do not try to cut or dig out the curving toenail. 不要試圖自己減或者把彎曲的指甲挖出來。
- I just want to wash out one or two rags. 我正想洗出一兩塊抹布。
- He was dug out from under the avalanche. 他被人從坍崩的雪堆中挖出來。
- The nature of the climate is such that the future cannot redeem today』s mistakes. 氣候的實質是將來無法挽回今天的錯誤。