- I only wear high heels on special occasions. 我只在特殊場合穿高跟鞋。
- dig one's heels on 採取堅定的立場; 固執已見,用腳刨出小坑以便擊球時更好使力
- I heard the clack of her heels on the sidewalk. 我聽到她的鞋後跟在人行道上霹哩啪啦響的聲音。
- Hey, prety baby with the high heels on! 跟鞋的漂亮寶貝!
- Of high heels on a sidewalk. A crawling clock. 在行道上的嘀噠聲。一座爬行的鐘。一種對工作的渴望。
- Oo-ee! Just look at the heels on her shoes. 噢唷,你看看她皮鞋的後跟!
- She prefers wearing high heels on formal occasions. 在正式場合她比較喜歡穿高跟鞋。
- Would you plese have them put new heels on the shoes for me? 您可否叫他們把我的鞋換雙新鞋跟?
- Angelique cups her lips around Lenny』s heel, and Lenny starts to moan. 安吉麗用嘴罩住萊尼的腳後跟,萊尼呻吟起來。
- Well, if he thinks that is too much trouble to dig one by one, the acquisition is simply a strategy. 那麼如果他嫌一個一個地挖比較麻煩,索性收購也是一種策略。
- Heel hook: Putting the heel on a hold (often above the climber"s head) and rocking onto it. 把腳跟放在點上(通常超過攀登者的頭),然後搖罷而上。
- He was only able to dig one basket of Asiatic Plantains during the entire afternoon. 一個下午,他就挖了一筐車前。
- Would you please have them put new heels on the shoes for me? 您可否叫他們把我的鞋換個新鞋跟?
- The negotiators have been instructed to dig in their heels on the last two major issues. 談判代表受命在最後兩大問題上採取寸步不讓的堅定立場。
- to dig one's way through the crowd 奮力擠過人群
- I need new heels on these shoes; the present ones are all worn down. 我這雙鞋子需要裝新的鞋跟,原有的鞋跟都已磨損了。
- You've spent the whole afternoon in digging one small flower garden! 你翻一個小花園的地竟花了一個下午的時間!
- You do not want an overdressed, overstressed woman navigating in high heels on a sunset beach walk. 你不願意看到打扮很講究的,心情壓力很大的女士穿著高跟鞋和你在夕陽西下時逛海灘吧。
- Once, in finesse of fiddles found I ecstasy, In the flash of gold heels on the hard pavement. 這樣直譯呢:我曾經沉浸在小提琴的精巧演奏中,
- dig one's grave with one's teeth 為嘴傷生