- The clothes lie huddle up in a pile in the corner. 衣服亂成一團,堆放在角落裡。
- The children were whispering in the corner. 孩子們正在角落裡低聲耳語。
- Put the wardrobe in the corner opposite the door. 把衣櫃放在對著門的那個角落裡。
- She sat in the corner, watching my every move. 她坐在角落裡注視著我的一舉一動。
- They were chatting (away) in the corner. 他們在角落裡閑談。
- That guy sat in the corner, eyeballing me. 那傢伙坐在角落裡盯著我看。
- What time do you dig in in the morning? 早晨你幾點開飯?
- I gave him a dig in the ribs with my elbow. 我用胳膊肘碰了碰他的胸口,叫他注意。
- His comedy is more like a dig in the ribs. 看他的喜劇就像撓我的肋骨一樣,讓我忍俊不禁。
- Susan is wedged in the corner so tightly that she can not move. 蘇珊被緊緊地擠在一角,動都不能動。
- To produce, shape, or dig in the form of a tunnel. 挖,掘,鑿挖或鑿出隧道形狀的東西
- The supermarket is just in the corner of the street. 超市就在街角。
- I put on my gardening gloves and dig in the soil. 我戴上我的園藝手套然後挖土.
- He is cleaning the room when he finds a watch in the corner. 當他正在打掃房間的時候,他在角落裡發現了一塊手錶。
- The only slight imperfection in this painting is a scratch in the corner. 這幅畫唯一的瑕疵是在角落裡有一道划痕。
- The restrooms are around the corner in the hallway. 洗手間在走廊轉彎處。
- She gave me a sharp dig in the ribs. 輕輕的一戳就會使她禁不住要笑。
- My gaze fell on a small book in the corner. 我的目光落在角落裡一本小書上
- A couple of old women were chinning in the corner. 幾個老太婆在角落裡聊天。
- He huddled his books in the corner of his bedroom. 他把書胡亂堆積在他卧室的一角。