- She sat with grim determination, upright as a darning needle stuck in a board . 她挺直著後背;懷著堅定的決心坐著,就象插在紙板上的織補針.
- They've been dubbed devil's darning needles, horse stingers, and finger cutters. 人們給它們起了魔鬼蜻蜓,毒刺,或手指切割機等綽號。
- a devil's darning needlen. 蜻蜓
- devil's darning needle 蜻蜓
- "Haven't you got a what d'you call it?" "A darning needle? Would I be doing it this way if I had?" 「你難道沒有一根叫什麼來著的?」「一根織針吧?如果有的話,我可以這樣織嗎?」
- I'm having a devil of a job fixing my car. 我修我這輛汽車可費勁了。
- What a miserable old devil Scrooge was! 斯克魯奇是多麽可惡的吝嗇鬼呀!
- She sat with grim determination, upright as a darning needle stuck in a board(Harriet Beecher Stowe) 帶著不屈不撓決心的她挺直著後背的坐著,就象插在紙板上的織補針(哈利特 比徹 斯托)
- He' s a devil with ( ie flirts with ) the ladies. 他是個玩弄女性的傢伙.
- There'll be the devil to pay if you scratch my car! 你要是划壞了我的汽車你就有麻煩了!
- "She sat with grim determination, upright as a darning needle stuck in a board" (Harriet Beecher Stowe) 「她挺直著後背,懷著堅定的決心坐著,就象插在紙板上的織補針」(哈利特·比徹·斯托)
- He had a devil of a time getting home. 他回家時一路上十分辛苦(歷盡艱辛)。
- He has lost his job, poor devil! 他失業了,可憐的人!
- S: Caught and tamed #2 ADF needle. 抓住並馴服2號ADF指針。
- She seemed to be possessed (by the devil). 她好像著了魔似的。
- An idle man is the devil』s playfellow. 懶人與魔鬼為伍.
- He was almost possessed by a devil. 他幾乎著了魔。
- Cold weather plays the devil with my rheumatism. 天一冷,我的風濕病就犯了。
- They spend the winter(s) in a warmer climate. 他們在氣候較暖的地方過冬。
- The poor devil had another heart attack last night. 那個可憐的人昨晚心臟病又發作了。