- Students' relationships influence a wide rage of behavior patterns, attitudes and values with regard to social relationships, deviant behavior, education and life in general. 學生關係對行為模式、社會關係的態度和價值、異常行為以及一般的教育和生活有著廣泛地影響。
- Explore the preventions and the solutions to the athletes' deviant behavior. 四、探討運動員偏差行為的預防及解決之道。
- A learning process occurring early in the life of a social animal in which a specific behavior pattern is established through association with a parent or other role model. 印刻作用,烙印社會性動物生命早期出現的認知過程,通過與父母或一個其他角色模式的接觸而形成的特別的行為方式
- Sociology of deviant behavior / Clinard, Marshall B C912.68 / 1 Harcourt College Pu c2001. 責任推斷:社會行為的理論基礎B.;維納;張愛卿;鄭葳C912
- A person with behavior patterns governed by a compulsion. 強迫症患者行為方式受強迫驅使的人
- Whether or not deviant behavior is interpreted as positive or negative depends on communicators』 valences. 至於何為偏離預期的行為則要看交際者的衡量標準。
- Third, there have several significant relationships between the social bonds, sensation seeking and deviant behavior. 另外,社會連結與刺激尋求及偏差行為之間也有顯著相關。
- Abstract : Deviant behavior is a common social phenomenon,which is also an object of study of criminology. 越軌行為是一種常見的社會現象,也是犯罪學的研究對象之一。
- Social Control Theory and Juvenile Deviant Behavior: A Case of Yunlin and Chiayi Area. 社會控制與青少年偏差行為---以雲嘉地區為例
- Describe how managers use cost behavior patterns. 描述管理者如何使用成本習性模式。
- American sociologist who proposed that deviant behavior results when a society offers no acceptable means of achieving acceptable goals. 默頓,羅伯特·金生於1910美國社會學家,他提出當社會不能提供達到可接受目標的可接受手段時,就會有越軌行為發生
- Yet, in spite of appearances, the elaborate behavior pattern of the wasp is simply a sequence of automatic stages. 然而,儘管有這些表面現象,黃蜂的複雜行為模式不過是一系列自動性步驟而已。
- In any city in the world you will find thoughtful, intelligent, caring, people living on the same block with, criminals, jerks and people with truly deviant behavior and beliefs. 在這世界的任何一個城市你都可以發現一些有思想的,有才智的,有愛心的人與哪些有犯罪史的,性情古怪的,有著極不正常的行為和信仰的人居住在同一條街。
- However, the results show no differences in job satisfaction, affective organizational commitment, and employee deviant behavior. 此外,不同類型派遣人員在工作績效的表現上有差異。
- For each significant behavior pattern you identify, you must synthesize details from your data. 對於你發現並確認的每一個顯著的行為模式,必須從數據中綜合細節。
- On one occasion, George can not help but kissed Lucy, in the last century the United Kingdom is considered deviant behavior. 有一次,喬治情不自禁地吻了露西,這在上個世紀的英國被認為是越軌行為。
- Austrian psychologist. He shared a1973 Nobel Prize for studies of individual and social behavior patterns. 洛倫茨,康拉德·扎迦利1903-1989奧地利心理學家。因在個人與社會行為方式方面的研究而獲1973年諾貝爾獎
- We follow up 20 recurrent-type C.S.C.R. patients on their best corrected visual acuity; residual symptoms and behavior pattern. 摘要本篇共收集20例複發型中心性漿液性脈絡膜網膜症病患做視力及殘餘癥狀之追蹤檢查,並做行為模式評估。
- We make the basic direction of advertising stratagem through STP tactic, consumer's behavior pattern. 從STP戰略、消費者行為模式來把握目標受眾的廣告心理特徵,為後期的廣告戰略制定確定基本的方向和坐標。
- Second, the speeding juveniles are more likely to have sensation seeking and deviant behavior and have lower level of social bonds than normal juveniles. 而一般少年與飆車少年在社會連結與刺激尋求及偏差行為上有顯著差異。