- Our Party has always deemed it its duty to realize and develop people's democracy. 我們黨歷來以實現和發展人民民主為己任。
- We celebrate Taiwan』s democracy. 我們頌揚台灣的民主。
- We will expand intra-Party democracy to develop people's democracy and increase intra-Party harmony to promote social harmony. 嚴格實行民主集中制,健全集體領導與個人分工負責相結合的制度,反對和防止個人或少數人專斷。
- Manage, coah and develop people. 負責管理,培訓及提高銷售人員。
- People say you ' re studying the Japanese system because there ' s democracy, but only one party seems to win elections. Is that the model you see for China? 人們說你正在研究日本的制度,因為日本是民主國家,但似乎只有一黨能贏得大選。這就是你心目中的中國模式嗎?
- During the Anti-Japanese War, in the aero under the headship of CCP, Chinese langue education was considered to be mass education featured in "People"s democracy" as well as "dictatorship". 抗戰時期,中國共產黨領導下的根據地,以馬克思主義的人民民主專政為指導思想,語文教育上也一方面體現「人民民主」的大眾教育的特點,一方面體現與民族鬥爭、階級鬥爭相結合的「專政」特點。
- Education is to achive people, if classroom teaching doesn"t regard students as subjective people, doesn"t develop people"s subjectivity, it will become heft people, which is the negtive of education. 教育是成就人的,課堂教學如果不把學生當有主體性的人看,不發展人的主體性,那它就走向了教育的反面而成了害人。
- Although there are a little fancy socialism in it, the quality of histhought is Jacobinical petty bourgeois"s democracy and humanitarianism, gradually turning left then. 曹禺早期思想儘管摻雜了一些空想社會主義等成分,但性質基本屬於激進的小資產階級民主主義和人道主義範疇,只是在早期後段逐漸開始左傾。
- As for Najib, we could only hope that the setback faced by the ruling coalition at the last general election would have prompted the strengthening of UMNO』s democracy. 對於納吉,我們只能希望上屆大選慘敗的國陣能夠吸取教訓,強化巫統的民主治理。
- DDI Acceleration Center is a means for measuring huwn potential and helping organizations select, promote, and develop people at all_evels. DDI領導力加速發展中心是評鑒人才潛質的有效工具,能幫助機構挑選、提拔和發展各級別的管理人才。
- DDI Acceleration Center is a means for measuring human potential and helping organizations select, promote, and develop people at all evels. DDI領導力加速發展中心是評鑒人才潛質的有效工具,能幫助機構挑選、提拔和發展各級別的管理人才。
- DDI Acceleration Center is a means for measuring human potential and helping organ Marketing zations select, promote, and develop people at all levels. DDI領導力加速發展中心是評鑒人才潛質的有效工具,能幫助機構挑選、提拔和發展各級別的管理人才。
- DDI Acceleration Center is a means for measuring human potential and helping organizationsu Auto elect, promote, and develop people at all levels. DDI領導力加速發展中心是評鑒人才潛質的有效工具,能幫助機構挑選、提拔和發展各級別的管理人才。
- Ukraine』s democracy may sometimes resemble a tragicomedy (it is currently preparing for its third parliamentary election in the space of three years), but it is vigorous for all that. 烏克蘭的民主有時可能會類似於一個悲喜劇(這是目前正在準備第三次議會選舉的空間三年) ,但它是有力的一切。
- For continuous process manufacturing the aim of lean / TPS / kaizen would be the same: to increase profitability and develop people by reducing variation, waste and overburden. 製造業的持續進程的目的精益/租置計劃/改善將是相同的:提高盈利能力和發展人民的減少變異,浪費和負擔。
- To use and further develop people management skills in a supervisory or co-ordination role in a company renowned for its resourceful and inspired leadership. 在一個擁有優秀管理層的公司內部,在管理協調的崗位上運用並進一步發展團隊管理技能。
- The key to developing people is to catch them doing something right. 培養他人的關鍵,就是去發現他們做對了事情。
- What's special about DDI Leadership Acceleration Center?DDI Acceleration Center is a means for measuring human potential and helping ozanizations select, promote, and develop people at all levels. 評估結果會根據參與者的優點和發展需要給出個人反饋報告,並結合他們將來要面對的挑戰提供發展規劃。
- In the mouthpiece area, particularly, the development people at Krones have saved quite a lot of material. 瓶口區域是克朗斯研發人員節省材料的主要位置。
- Anis:I believe in developing people, and passing all my knowledge to all my fellow associates. 我相信應該時刻挖掘人的潛能,所以我總是將我所有的知識傳授給我的員工。