- A Temporary Worker Program Is Vital To Securing The Border. 短期勞工項目對保衛邊防安全是至關重要的。
- A Temporary Worker Program Should Not Provide Amnesty. 非法移民不提供特赦。
- Bush and other backers of a guest worker program say it is needed to fill jobs that Americans do not want. 布希同其他外來工人計劃的支持者都說,需要有人來做美國人不想做的工作。
- The Third Element Is Creating A New Temporary Worker Program That Would Not Provide Amnesty. 第三個因素是建立短期勞工項目,不提供特赦。
- But he still backs againsta guest worker program and pass thea path to citizenship for immigrates already here who do not have a criminal record. 但是他仍然支持一項「客工計劃」以及承認沒有犯罪記錄的已經在美國的非法移民合法的公民權。
- The White House says the guest worker program is a crucial component of the overall reform bill. 白宮表示,客工計劃是全面移民改革議案的重要組成部份。
- On other issues he renewed his call for immigration reform including a temporary worker program. 在另外一些問題上,他重申了包括臨時工作計劃在內的移民改革。
- Lastly, Ottawa should expand the temporary foreign worker program to all industries that can prove they need employees and cannot recruit Canadians to do those jobs. 最後,渥太華應該將臨時外國勞工僱用計劃擴展到所有能夠證明其迫切需要勞工,但無法僱到加拿大人滿足用工需求的行業。
- On immigration, he favored a plan to tighten border security, create a temporary worker program, and allow illegal immigrants a pathway to citizenship. 在移民問題上,他支持一項加強邊境安全、創造臨時工人項目、給非法移民獲得公民權以通道的計劃。
- The president found strong support among the members of the Chamber of Commerce, which has been advocating an immigration reform bill that includes a guest worker program. 布希總統得到了美國商會成員的大力支持。美國商會一直提倡移民改革法案要包含一個臨時客工計劃。
- The Senate version includes a temporary guest worker program and a formula that would enable some illegal immigrants to eventually apply for citizenship. 參議院的法案包含一項臨時客工計劃,並且允許某些非法移民最終可以申請入籍,變成美國公民。
- Bush asked Congress to pass a comprehensive reform bill that would create a temporary worker program, resolve the status of immigrants already here, and secure borders. 布希要求國會通過一項可以產生臨時工計畫的綜合改革法案,以解決已經在國內的移民者狀態,並且使邊界安全。
- There are many ways to immigrate to Canada.If you don't meet the criteria to apply under the Federal Skilled Worker Program, you may qualify under another category.Learn more about your options. 不能滿足上述條件的聯邦技術移民將會被通知上面的內容,並且他們的處理費用會被退還。
- In presenting his plan Wednesday, Senator Frist said he disagreed with a plan put forth by the Senate Judiciary Committee earlier this week that would create a guest worker program. 弗里斯特星期三在介紹這項議案時說,他不同意參議院司法委員會本星期早些時候通過的建議設立客工計劃的議案。
- He detached a link from a chain. 他從鏈子上拆下一個鏈環。
- The worker detached a gear from the machine. 工人從機器上拆下了一個齒輪。
- I detached my watch from the chain. 我從錶鏈上解下手錶。
- A small part broken off or detached. 碎片被打碎或拆開的小部分
- He's changed into a conscientious worker. 他已成為一個工作認真的人了。
- A number of men were detached to guard the right flank. 派遣了一些士兵守衛右翼。