- He watched her suffering with clinical detachment. 他冷漠地看著她遭受的痛苦。
- He answered with an air of detachment. 他以超然的神態回答。
- He showed detachment in his judgements. 他表現出獨到的見解。
- The detachment of the main force was ambushed by the enemy. 從主力部隊派遣的小分隊遭到敵人的伏擊。
- The wreck was caused by the detachment of two cars from the train. 那次失事是因兩節車廂與火車脫開造成的。
- Don't detach the coach from the train. 別把這個車廂從火車上拆下來。
- It's impossible to detach oneself from reality. 超脫現實是不可能的。
- We should detach good apples from bad. 我們必須把好的蘋果與壞的分開.
- A boy would slowly detach himself from the gang. 一個孩子就慢慢地從這個幫伙中退出去。
- He sat there with an air of aloof detachment. 他以冷漠超然的神態坐在那邊。
- Learn to lovingly detach and trust their process. 應該學會滿懷愛意地旁觀,並且相信他們會走向成功。
- There is hysteresis between the sorption and desorption curves. 吸濕與脫濕曲線間有一定的滯后現象。
- He was operated on for detachment of the retina. 他作了視網膜剝離手術。
- The advance detachment has engaged the enemy. 先頭部隊打響了。
- To detach from what secures; unfasten. 解下:卸下從緊閉之處解開; 解開
- Chitosan had desorption effect on Streptococcus mutans. 甲殼胺對變形鏈球菌有解吸附作用。
- The detachment set off ahead of schedule. 小分隊提前出動了。
- It is impossible to detach oneself from reality. 人要想超脫現實是辦不到的。
- The full measure of his detachment had for the first time nearly struck home to me. 他完全的不偏不倚的態度第一次讓我大為感動。
- Send a detachment down to retrieve them. 派人去取回。