- 後代posterity
- 後代的unborn
- 我們要把他傳授給我們的知識傳給後代。We will hand on the torch which he has handed to us.
- 他的後代既勤奮又聰明。His offspring are diligent and intelligent.
- 騾子是母馬和公驢的雜交後代。A mule is a cross between a mare and a donkey.
- 他們的後代都有點失常。Their offspring is all somewhat odd.
- 昆蟲以產卵繁殖後代。Insects propagate themselves by means of eggs.
- 繁殖後代raise up seed
- 生育和孕育(後代)To beget and conceive(offspring).
- 混血人後代的Of mixed racial descent.
- 他的後代為他翻案了。His posterity reversed the verdict.
- 不會生育後代的Not producing offspring.
- 他是工人階級的好後代。He is a worthy descendant of the working class.
- 祖先的罪惡報應到他們後代的身上The sins of the ancestors were visited on their descendants.
- 孕育後代To gestate offspring.
- 雅各的後代The descendants of Jacob.
- 子孫,後代其血統可追溯到某特定個體或群體的人、動物或植物A person, an animal, or a plant whose descent can be traced to a particular individual or group.
- 同一世系的後代擁有共同祖先的世系的始祖的後代The descendants of a common ancestor considered to be the founder of the line.
- 為後代造福benefit future generations
- 這些爬山的天真青少年是這個部落具有正派血統的後代。Those innocent adolescents ascending the hill are the tribe's descendants of decent descent.