- The protection and use of non-matter cultural legacies depend on each other. 摘要非物質文化遺產的保護與利用是緊密聯繫在一起的。
- The personal and social development of the child are inextricably linked(= they depend on each other). 兒童在自身和與人交往兩方面的成長是相輔相成的。
- Property. You cannot replace irreplaceable services because their implementations depend on each other. 您不能替換不可替換的服務,因為它們的實現彼此相互依賴。
- But the brandes cannot depend on each other in wind even they grow from the same root. 世界上蕞遙遠的距離卜是樹與樹的距離.;而是本是同根生的倆棵樹卻卜能甾風中相依
- Constitutionalism and political civilization depend on each other closely and unseparatedly. 憲政與政治文明相輔相成、不可分離。
- This widow and her child depend on each other for survival, life is really hard for them. 他們孤孀相依為命,生活過得很艱難。
- Therefore we comprehend that flower and fertilizer are interbeing, they depend on each other. 於是我們領悟到,花朵與肥料是互即互入的,它們相互依賴。
- They depended on each other and the world depended on them. 他們依靠彼此,世界依靠他們。我又該依靠誰?
- The sado take the tea art as a carrier, depends on each other in the tea art. 茶道以茶藝為載體,依存於茶藝。
- This indicates that the two departments depend on each other and affect mutually. 這說明,這兩個科學部門是相互依賴、相互影響的。
- Feedback,thinking and sharing constitute three systems of organization learning,they depend on each other. 反饋、反思、共享構成了組織學習的三大系統,三者相互依存。
- This elucidate that these two branches of science depend on each other mutually and interact to each other. 這說明,這兩個科學部門是相互依賴、相互影響的。
- In fact, legal determinism and the uncertainty are the wholes which depend on each other mutually, unable to divide. 事實上,法律推理的確定性與不確定性是相互依存、無法分割的整體。
- This illustrates that the two science departments interact and depend on each other. 這說明,這兩個科學部門是相互依賴、相互影響的。
- The pupils sneaked on each other to the teacher. 學生相互向老師講了我的壞話。
- In large software system, components depend on each other, which leads to the difficult evaluation of individual component. 大型軟體系統中的構件間存在依賴關係,因此難以對單個構件獨立進行評估。
- Order of life on the planet. One species eat another, which eats another, etc. All species depend on each other for their respective survival. 生物鏈是指星球上生物的關係。一個物種吃另一個物種,以此類推。所有物種都互相依賴生存。
- Secondly, data in RDB are supposed to be sampled separately.However, spatial objects are influenced by its neighbors and depend on each other. 其次,關係型數據通常是獨立抽樣的,而在空間資料庫中一個對象可能會受其鄰近對象的影響,數據之間相互依賴;
- Rational discipline does not conflict with socialist democracy. On the contrary, the two are dependent on each other. 合理的紀律同社會主義民主不但不是互相對立的,而且是互相保證的。
- The furthest distance in the world is not the distance between two trees, but the branches cannot depend on each other in wind even they grow from the same root. 世界上最遠的距離,不是樹與樹的距離,而是同根生長的樹枝,卻無法在風中相依。