- We fought our way through the dense vegetation. 我們在茂密的植被中開出一條通路。
- Land covered with dense vegetation or undergrowth. 未開墾的叢林地被濃密生長的草林或下層叢林覆蓋的土地
- The limpid streams, quiet valleys rare tree species and dense vegetation here, all contribute to its primeval beauty. 典型的石英岩山體成就了獨特旖旎的自然風光,清澈的溪流寧靜的山谷。
- Occurs in large shoals among dense vegetation both in clear and in peaty and often foul waters. 出現於在茂密的植物之中的大群魚群中清澈的與在泥煤似的而且時常弄髒水域。
- The paragraph is the city for a well-preserved ruins of the south wall, above Li Song Bolin, dense vegetation. 該段是商城遺址一段保存完好的南城牆,上邊松柏林立,植被茂密。
- African pygmies usually live in forests, and theconventional explanation for their stature has been that it makes it easier forthem to move through dense vegetation. 非洲侏儒一般生活在叢林中,對其身材的傳統解釋是這樣的身材利於其在密林中活動。
- And the rocks forming the trough, which poke aboveground only rarely, usually do so along nearly inaccessible tributaries and tend to be covered by dense vegetation. 而形成河槽的岩石很少露出地表,且通常位在人類幾乎無法到達的支流,上面又大多覆蓋著濃密的植物群落。
- The meandering waterways of mangrove reveal stunning limestone outcrops sculptured with sheer cliffs, caves, stalactites and dense vegetation which resemble the shapes of Pekinese dog and elephant. 在攀牙灣紅樹林蜿蜒河流的水路顯露著許多奇形怪狀石灰石峭壁,洞穴,有像被雕刻成小狗和大象形狀的鐘乳石和密集的植被。
- Open field with dense vegetation 長林豐草
- When cultivated and stripped of their dense vegetative cover, soils of the humid tropics quickly lose their fertility. 當將厚密的植被除去並耕種時,潮濕熱帶地區的土壤就會迅速失去其肥力。
- He thinks of new york as a den of iniquity. 他認為紐約是個藏污納垢之處。
- They will step up anti-mosquito work around the area where the patient lived, including nearby abandoned fields and dense vegetations. 食環署並將加強患者居所附近地區的滅蚊工作,包括鄰近荒廢稻田及植物茂密的地點。
- He has made his house a den of thieves. 他把自己的家變成了一個賊窩。
- The bears den up together during the winter. 冬天熊一起在洞穴里冬眠。
- He thought of New York as a den of iniquity. 他認為紐約是個藏污納垢之處。
- Take small helpings of energy-rich foods like curries high in fat, fried dishes or cakes and instead fill your plate with lots of less energy dense vegetables and fruits. 你可以取少量像是伽哩,油炸或是蛋糕此類高熱量的食物,而以低熱量食物像是蔬菜和水果來填滿你的盤子。
- The bar in the slum is a den of iniquity. 這個貧民窟里的小酒吧是一個充滿罪惡的場所。
- The path leads to a hill bare of vegetation. 這條小道通向一座沒有草木的小山。
- The liner ran down a fishing-boat during the dense fog. 班輪在濃霧中撞沉了一隻漁船。
- a large wild tract of land covered with dense vegetation or forests 草木叢生處植被或森林覆蓋的大片野生土地