- To delude the people with rumors 謠言惑眾
- To delude the people with the Black art 法術惑眾
- The local government there burdened the people with heavy taxes and debts. 那兒的地方政府使人民負擔沉重的捐稅和債務。
- All the people with common knowledge never believe this rumor. 有點常識的人都不會相信這樣的謠言.
- They supplied the people with arms. 他們供給人民武器。
- It is only the people with push who has a pull. 只有有衝勁的人才有門路。
- They seemed to love the land and the people with a sort of fierce egoism. 他們似乎是帶著強烈的利己主義來愛這裡的人和土地的。
- Candidates running for president often delude the voters with election promises. 參加總統競選的候選人往往以競選許諾來蠱惑選民。
- The people with polypus of gallbladder for 2.22%. 膽囊息肉的檢出率為2.;22%25;
- My greatest happiness lies in serving the people with all my heart. 全心全意為人民服務是我最大的幸福。
- The Japanese women salute the people with formal bow in welcome. 這些日本婦女以正式的鞠躬向人們施禮以示歡迎。
- It was the people with the least money who gave most generously. 最沒錢的人最慷慨大方。
- Flea market is popular among the people with low income. 跳蚤市場在低收入的人們中是受歡迎的。
- To delude the people by heretical doctrines 左道惑眾
- The people with contagious diseases were isolated immediately. 傳染病患者立刻被隔離。
- To delude the mind of the people 熒惑人心
- His speech fired the people with keenness for the plan. 他的發言引起了人們對這個計劃的強烈興趣。
- The king oppressed his people with terrible taxes and punishments. 國王以苛捐雜稅和嚴刑來壓迫人民。
- The Japanese women salute the people with formal bows in welcome. 這些日本婦女以正式的鞠躬向人們施禮以示歡迎。
- The people with aviation or LVDT sensor background is prefer. 有航空和線性變壓位移感測器經驗的優先。