- The hands which don't work are doomed to be dirty even if they look very fair and clear. 不幹活的手,即使它再白皙,那也是骯髒的。
- I hit him fair and square on the jaw. 我不偏不倚打中他的下巴。
- Bingle, color of skin is fair and clear, the eye has a mind, labial line is very good-looking. 短髮,膚色白凈,眼睛有神,嘴唇的線條很好看。
- I hit the man fair and square on the jaw. 我不偏不倚擊中了那個人的下巴。
- He won the game fair and square. 他贏得這次比賽是公平的。
- May you always have fair weather and clear sailing. 祝你萬事如意,一帆風順。
- The blame rests fair and square onmy shoulders. 這一罪過著實地落在我的頭上。
- I think this problem is very simple and clear cut. 我認為這個問題非常簡單明白。
- The dividing line is not always marked and clear. (兩者間的)界限並不總是那麼清楚明顯的。
- It was a good game and they beat us fair and square. 這是一場很好的比賽,他們光明正大地贏了我們。
- The terms of the contract are absolutely fair and square. 合同上的條款是完全公平合理的。
- We must be fair and consider the reason pro and con. 我們必須公平考慮贊成和反對的理由。
- The bird sang high and clearly in the tree. 鳥兒在樹上清脆地高歌。
- We hope you will treat it fair and softly. 我們希望你們平心靜氣地對待這件事。
- You must deal with the problem fair and square. 你們應當公正地處理這個問題。
- He loved to rove the green hills and clear waters. 他喜歡漫遊于山青水秀之鄉。
- The proposal is fair and reasonable. 這個建議合情合理。
- The morning dawned fresh and clear after the storm. 暴風雨之後,破曉時天朗氣清。
- The skin activator can help skin retain natural moisture and remove makeup, leave your skin fairer and clearer. 結合肌膚活力素,幫助肌膚留住天然水份併兼具卸妝作用,令你的肌膚越來越白皙透明。
- Let's cope with the matter fair and square. 讓我們光明正大地處理這件事。